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88 Cards in this Set

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Not in the mood


It's gross!

Kinh quá!

Gớm quá

3 Cách nói "Dù sao đi nữa"

1. Anyway

2. No matter how

3. One way or another

1. She did it anyway

2. No matter how you are, I still love you

3. She said one way or another, I was gonna die tonight

n, adj3

Pleasure, pleasing, pleased, pleasant

n :/ˈpleʒ.ɚ/: Enjoyment, happiness, or satisfaction, or something that gives this

adj :/ˈpli.zɪŋ/: Giving a feeling of satisfaction or enjoyment

adj2 :/plizd/: Happy or satisfied

adj3 :/ˈplezənt/: Enjoyable, attractive, friendly, or easy to like




(n) Something unpleasant or unexpected that might happen or exist in the future (biến cố trong tương lai)

Ex: I'm looking for a travel insurance policy that will cover me for any eventuality.

📕 Provide

1. Provide sth with sb: cung cấp thứ gì cho ai

2. Provide sth for sb: kiếm thứ gì cho ai đó

3. Provide that = as long as

1. Puraforce Staffing can provide your business with temporary employees during the busy holiday season

2. I provide some fruit for children. (Tôi đi kiếm vài trái cây cho bọn trẻ.)

3. Provided that the boat leaves on time, we should reach France by morning.

(Chỉ cần thuyền rời bến đúng giờ, chúng ta có thể đến Pháp trước buổi sáng)

Give away

(v) to supply something at no charge

(tặng khi mua hàng)




(n) the act or process of getting a metal from rock by heating it to a very high temperature (tách kim loại ra khỏi quặng)

(n) The act of melting objects made from metal in order to use the metal to make something new (việc đun chảy đổ khuôn)




(n) The way in which something is done (cách thức)

(n) The usual way in which you behave towards other people, or the way you behave on a particular occasion (cách hành xử)

Explain sth away

(v) To try to escape being blamed (khiển trách) for something bad, usually by making it seem unimportant (kiếm cớ)

Ex: He tried to explain the error away by saying it was a simple typing mistake.

Water cooler


(n) A machine for cooling and providing drinking water, usually in an office or other public place



(n) Lao động

(n) Nhân công


There's a cafe right around the corner

Just/right around the corner: very close to the place that you are.


I think we should ask Lee for her opinion

Ask for opinion: hỏi ý kiến




(v) To move money from one account to another (chuyển khoảng)

(v) To move someone or something from one place to another (chuyển sang)

(v) To change to a different job, team, place of work, or situation, or to make someone do this (chuyển công tác)




(n) Pillar

(n) A column is also a piece of writing in a newspaper or magazine that is written by the same person and appears regularly, usually on a particular subject (Chuyên mục)

(n) Any vertical block of words or numbers

🕒 Altogether

1. Completely

2. In total

3. Considering everything

1. I'm not altogether sure I want that (= I have doubts about it).

2. That'll be $52.50 altogether, please.

3. He's bad-tempered, selfish, and altogether an unpleasant man.



(n) Something that blocks your way so that movement or progress is prevented or made more difficult

Ex: Ms. Sheth has identified the obstacles that have prevented Hentig Industries from expanding globally.




(adv) In a way that shows love or great liking

Ex: He smiled fondly at the children.

(adv) Fondly believe: Hoping that something will be true when it probably will not

Ex: She fondly believed that he might come.



(n) the possibility that can be made, done, or achieved, or is reasonable (tính khả thi)

Ex: We're looking at the feasibility of building a shopping centre there.

v, n

Annotate, annotation

v :/ˈæn.ə.teɪt/: chú thích

n :/æn.əˈteɪ.ʃən/: lời chú thích



(n) A time when all the people involved in a play, dance, etc. practise in order to prepare for a performance




(v) Hàn

(n) Mối hàn

🕒 "It's on me"

1. It would mean a thing is on your body.

2. It's also an expression that means you accept fault or responsibility for something. You will take care of it.

3. I will pay

1. If a butterfly is flying around and lands on your shoulder, you could say, "It's on me."

2. If you are walking and bump into someone and the other person says "Sorry I was in your way." You could say, "No, it's on me. I should have been paying attention." Meaning you take the blame for the situation.

3. If you go out to dinner and the check comes, if you say, "it's on me," that means you plan to pay for the dinner.

Drown in sth

/draʊn ɪn/

(v) To have more of something than you are able to deal with

Ex: Actually, I'm drowning in work

Train platform

/treɪn ˈplæt.fɔrm/

(n) Sân ga



(n) Tủ khoá

Bring along

/brɪŋ əˈlɑŋ/

(v) To take someone or something with you

Ex: Can I bring a friend along to the party?

🕒-📕 Consider

1. (v) Consider sb/sth (to be) + adj: Tin rằng, nghĩ rằng

2. (v) Consider sb/sth (as) sb/sth: Xem ai/thứ gì như

3. (v) Consider + Ving: xem xét làm gì đó

4. (Passive) Sb/sth be considered + as sth/adj: Được xem như, được xem là

1. My mother considers her new friend (to be) generous

2. I consider Jack (as) my best friend

3. Would you consider selling this laptop?

4a. Son Tung is considered as one of the most well-known artists in Vietnam

4b. It is considered late if it will be received in June

Driverless car

/ˈdraɪ.vər.lɪs kɑr/

(n) xe không người lái



(n) Người thuyết trình




(n) The words of a film, play, broadcast, or speech (kịch bản)

(n) An answer paper written by a student in an exam (phiếu trả lời)

(n) Prescription



(n) The activity of giving a younger or less experienced person help and advice over a period of time, especially at work or school (sự cố vấn)


I'm locked out

It's mean: (I forget my key) I can't get in the house


Medical practice

/ˈme.dɪ.kəl ˈpræk.təs/

(n) Phòng khám

🌗 Law practice: văn phòng luật




(adv) Theo nghĩa đen

(adv) Simply or just (đơn giản là, chỉ cần)

Ex: Then you literally cut the sausage down the middle.




(n) The hot gas that is produced when water boils (hơi nước)

(v) Hấp

🕑 Heads-up


1. A warning that something is going to happen, usually so that you can prepare for it

2. A short talk or statement about how a situation or plan is developing

1. This note is just to give you a heads-up that Vicky will be arriving next week.

2. The boss called a meeting to give us a heads-up on the way the project was going.

How are you?

1. How it's going?

2. How are you doing?

3. How are you?

4. How do you do?

5. How are things?


By chance=by accident


/baɪ tʃeɪns/, /baɪ ˈæk.sə.dənt/

(adv) Tình cờ

To meet someone by chance

Come across=run into


/ˈkʌməˈkrɑs/, /ˈstʌm.bələˈpɑn/, /rʌn ˈɪntu/, /ˈbʌmpɪntu/

💀: Come across và stumble upon có thể dùng cho vật

* Bump into

Gestational diabetes

/dʒeˈsteɪ.ʃənəl daɪ.əˈbi.tiz/

(n) Đái tháo đường thai kỳ



(n) nhau thai



(n) tá dược


It's on the house

If you have something on the house, it is given to you free by a business (miễn phí)


How do i look?


Could I get the check?


How are we going to do it?

Chúng ta sẽ làm nó như thế nào?


Stay together



(adj) traditional and ordinary

(truyền thống, thông thường)



(adj) Relating to the standards of good or bad behaviour, fairness, honesty, etc. that each person believes in, rather than to laws

(n) Standards for good or bad character and behaviour



(v) to give an official title, honour, or advantage to someone

Ex: An honorary doctorate (the highest degree from a university) was conferred on him by Columbia University.

(v) to talk together and exchange ideas, often with the intention of reaching a decision about something

Ex: I need to confer with my lawyer.

Rocking chair

/ˈrɑː.kɪŋ ˌtʃer/

(n) Ghế bập bênh



(n) a chair in which you can lean back at different angles



(adj) after giving birth

Ex: Postpartum depression



(v) unpleasantly proud and behaving as if you are more important than, or know more than, other people



(n) Tủ đông


Sky's the limit

No limit

State of the art


(adj) very modern and using the most recent ideas and methods

Ex: Unlike rec room, all the equipment and tools in here are state of the art



(n) the degree or limit of something; how great or severe something is

Ex: We didn’t know the extent of his injuries.

(n) the area, length, or size of something

Ex: Approaching the airport, you could see the full extent of the island.




(n) Sinh thiết



(n) Bệnh viêm gan



(adj) If something is prominent, it sticks out from a surface or can be seen easily

(adj) very noticeable, important, or famous



(n) Kem chống nắng

*Hoạt động bằng cách hấp thu tia UV khác với Sunblock là cản trở sự truyền của tia UV*



(n) an injury or mark where the skin has not been broken but is darker in colour, often as a result of being hit by something



(n) a bone that curves round from your back to your ches



(n) the scientific study of the characteristics and effects of poisons



(v) to make or do something again in exactly the same way

Ex: Return your right leg into the starting place, change, and replicate

(v) To replicate an organism, cell, or DNA means to produce an exact copy of it.



(n) Xơ gan



(n) Cảm giác buồn nôn




(n) cổ trướng



(v) to not do something, especially something enjoyable that you think might be bad

Ex: If you have AFLD, your doctor will instruct you to completely abstain from alcohol



(n) Hông



(n) Tình trạng đau nhức



(n) Sụn



(v) to increase in the brightness of a fire suddenly

Ex: The flame above the oil well flared (up) into the dark sky.

(v) to suddenly starts or gets much worse

Ex: Gout was once known as the “Disease of Kings” because often a rich diet of meat and alcohol will lead to a buildup of uric acid crystals causing a gout flare.


A bout of flu

(n) Cơn cảm cúm




I. (n) a set of numbers, amounts, used to measure.

II. (n) the relation between the real and drawing size of something

III. (n) the size or level of something, especially when this is large

IV. (n) a device for weighing things or people

V. (n) the small, flat pieces that cover the skin of fish, snakes, etc.



(n) one of the small bones that form the spine (= back bone)

*Plural: Vertebrae



(adj) calm, kind, or soft; not violent or severe



(v) to end something by force

Ex: He either has to begin reforms, or he has to suppress the opposition.

(v) to prevent something from being expressed or known

Ex: He was accused of suppressing evidence.



(adv) in a straight and sloping way that is not horizontal or vertical, for example joining two opposite corners of a square or other flat shape with four sides

Ex: It's quickest if you cut diagonally across the park.



(v) to become smaller, or to make something smaller

Ex: Your sweater will shrink if you wash it at too high a temperature.



(n) Phù

Aquatic fitness

Aquatic fitness

Ribbon cutting ceremony

/ˈrɪb.ən ˌkʌt̬.ɪŋ ˈser.ə.mə.ni/