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20 Cards in this Set

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an audience
noun. An audience is a group of listeners or specators.
adjective. Worth remembering, or notable. Example: It was the most memorable line in the movie.
a dab
noun. A small amount. Example: (cooking) Add a dab of lemon juice.
a shock
noun. A violent shake, a disturbance in the equilibrium of something, a disturbance or something that causes one. Example: The news came as quite a shock to her.
adjective (usually disapproving). Smugly satisfied with oneself or one's achievements. Example: Nobody likes to work with people who are self-satisfied.
to meddle
verb. To interfere. To become involved when your involvement is not wanted. Example: Don't meddle in others' personal lives.
a foray
noun. An attempt to do something, especially for the first time. Example: This was his first foray into scientific research, and it was a success.
a spoof
noun. A humorous movie, book, play, etc. that copies something in a silly or exaggerated way. Exmaple: Stephen Colbert's spoof on the primaries was hilarious.
to endorse
verb. To publicly or officially say that you support or approve of someone or something. To publicly say that you like or use a product or service in exchange for money. Example: Senator Johnson has endorsed Mitt Romney in his bid for the Republican nomination.
adverb. Very quickly, especially in an unexpected way. Example: I suddenly realized I had to change things.
to urge
verb. To ask people to do or support something in a way that shows that you believe it's important. To try to persuade someone in a serious way to do something. To use force or pressure to move in a particular direction. Example: He urged his students to study frequently. Example: He urged her forward.
money laundering
noun. Verb = to launder (money). The act of putting money into a business or bank account in order to hide where it really came from. Example: The internet has made money laundering a much more common crime.
noun. The quality that makes it possible to see through something, or to see how something works (politics). Example: Transparency is critical to a well-functioning democracy.
a lawyer
noun. One who guides and assists people in legal matters. Example: Personal injury lawyers are sometimes pejoratively referred to as 'ambulance chasers.'
to enlist
verb. To get the support and help of someone or something. To sign up to become a member (especially for the military). Example: I enlisted the help of several experts to get the job done. Example: Many congressmen and senators enlisted in the army when they were young.
to enhance
verb. To increase or improve something. Example: You can enhance the flavor of any dish by using fresh herb. Example: Drugs that enhance performance are banned.
ought to
Modal verb. The same as 'should,' but slightly more formal. Example: You ought to get some rest. Example: It ought not make any difference. Notice that you don't need a 'to' after 'ought not'!!
a ballot
a ticket or piece of paper used to vote in an election. The process that allows people to vote in secret. An election. Example: He claimed that his opponent rigged the ballot. Example: I cast my ballot early in the morning.
to pursue
verb. To follow and try to catch or capture, usually over a long period of time or distance. Example: She pursued a degree in finance and later worked for a top firm in New York.
a credential
noun. A quality, skill, experience or document that makes a person suited to do a job. Example: His experience working with a global accounting firm is his strongest credential.