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9 Cards in this Set

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Match each word with the definition.
1. whereas
2. save
3. nonetheless
4. moreover
5. likewise
A. also, in addition to, similarly
B. in addition to what has been said, for instance; besides
C. however, even so, despite that
D. on the contrary, considering that
E. but or except
1. D
2. E
3. C
4. B
5. A
For each question, find the two words that are synonyms (or near-synonyms)
1. checked, debilitated, tempered, impinged, warranted
2. underpin, undergird, underscore, undermine, unfetter
3. penumbra, nebula, stratum, enigma, echelon
4. patently, kinetically, laterally, baldly, paradigmatically
5. enumerate, delimit, extrapolate, infer, polarize
1. checked, tempered (mean limited, held back)
2. underpin, undergrid (mean strengthen or support an argument)
3. stratum, echelon (mean a layer of something)
4. patently, baldly (mean explicitly, openly)
5. extrapolate, infer (mean to draw a conclusion from available data)
For each word, select the nearest synonym:
1. Partial
A. biased B. pleased C. rude D. invaluable
2. Mores:
A. rights B. language parts C. customs D. decisions
3. Dubious
A. troubled B. immoral C. pessimistic D. doubtful
4. Eclipse
A. cover B. hide C. expose D. end
5. Discrete
A. secretive B. equal C. special D. distinct
1. A
2. C
3. D
4. A
5. D
This report about the changes in American family structure and the decline of marriage is purely descriptive rather than ___.
A. delimited
B. normative
C. debased
While the rich get richer, the ranks of the poor are greatly expanding and the middle ___ is disappearing completely.
A. hierarchy
B. stratum
C. gradation
Some believe that the propensity for addiction is genetic, but lies ___ until "activated" through use of drugs or alcohol.
A. wanting
B. lateral
C. latent
While the analysts have collected a great deal of data, there are still many unknowns, and thus our results are ___.
A. exhaustive
B. indeterminate
C. discretionary
This new device has a faster processor and twice as much memory, and is thus easily able to ___ the performance of the previous version.
A. outstrip
B. revamp
C. outset
For each question, select the two words that are synonyms.
1. paradigm, impasse, gridlock, magma, maxim
2. dichotomy, host, paradox, slew, paragon
3. impartial, disinterested, eclectic, inert, fledgling
4. debunk, aggravate, eclipse, fathom, exacerbate
5. explicitly, baldly, dubiously, cynically, fadingly
1. Impasse, gridlock (mean a standstill)
2. host, slew (mean a large number)
3. impartial, disinterested (mean unbiased)
4. aggravate, exacerbate (mean make worse)
5. explicitly, baldly (mean bluntly, in a straightforward or obvious way.)