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15 Cards in this Set

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Celibate (adj.)

Abstaining from intercourse; unmarried

"In that religion, the priests take vows to remain impoverished and celibate."

Fortuitous (adj.)

Happening by chance or accident

"My father said meeting my mother was fortuitous; my mother said it was fate."

Syn: accidental; unexpected

Ant: premeditated; intentional

Recapitulate (v.)

To summarize; to repeat briefly

"Television newsmen always recapitulate Presidential news conferences, as if the audience were incapable of understanding what had been said."

Perfunctory (adj.)

Done without a care; in a routine fashion

"She greeted her guests in a perfunctory manner."

syn: Indifferent; offhand

ant: diligent; attentive

Baroque (adj.)

Overly decorated

"The new dance club had a great light show; the baroque furnishings seemed right in place."

syn: ornate

ant: simple

Hedonism (n.)

Pursuit of pleasure, especially of the senses

"John favors hedonism over self-sacrifice."

Obloquy (n.)

Strong disapproval; a bad reputation resulting from public criticism

"His behavior brought shame to his family and the obloquy on himself."

syn: censure; rebuke

ant: acclaim; praise

Debacle (n.)

A complete failure; a total collapse

"After reading the reviews, the actors knew the play was a debacle and would close in one night."

syn: calamity; catastrophe

ant: success; triumph

Quasi- (adj.)

Resembling; seeming; half

"Gandfather was only in quasi- retirement because he couldn't give up control of the business."

Besmirch (v.)

To make dirty; to stain

"My ex-best friend tried to besmirch my reputation with her vicious gossip."

syn: soil; sully; smear

ant: cleanse

Imperative (adj.)

Extremely necessary; vitally important

"It is imperative that you leave immediately."

Sacrosanct (adj.)

Extremely holy

"The detective's orders were to investigate everyone; no person was so sacrosanct that he or she was above suspicion."

syn: divine; angelic

Sadistic (adj.)

Deriving pleasure from inflicting pain on others

"Savannah took sadistic pleasure in tormenting her older sister, Madison."

syn: barbarous; perverse

ant: civilized; human

Demeanor (n.)

Behavior; manner of conducting oneself

"Believe me, his shy demeanor is just an act; he is really quite wild

syn: deportment

Facetious (adj.)

Comical; jocular; flippant

syn: joking; witty; jocuse

ant: solmn; serious