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14 Cards in this Set

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Russian botanist ivanovsky - first to give clear cut evidence of virus

Mayer- mosaic disease

Schlesinger first to determine composition of a virus.

Nature of virus


No independent metabolism

Simple structure

Absence of cellular structure

Nucleic acids


No growth and division


Invisible in light microscope . Some are only 200A in diameter. Smaller than bacteria

No independent metabolism

Cannot multiply outside a living cell .

No independent metabolism,metabolically inactive outside the host cell as they do not posses enzyme systems and protein synthesis machinery. Thus they are endoparasites. Considered to be non living.


Naked : vaccinia virus

Capsid to which other structures are attached : some bacteriophage

Simple structure

Nucleic acid core surrounded by protein coat. Differ from typical cells made up of proteins,carbs,lipids etc. they are just larger nucleoproteins.

Myxovirus - membranous envelope made up of protein,lipids and carbohydrates outside the usual coat (derived from host cell)

Absence of cellular structure

Cytoplasm absent hence no cytoplasmic organelles. No cell membrane . Utilize ribosomes of host cell for protein synthesis during reproduction.

Nucleic acids

Either DNA or RNA

Rous Sarcoma Virus(RSV) - cancer causing virus has both RNA,DNA. Called RNA-DNA Virus.


Many small viruses crystalize and behave like chemicals

No growth and division

Fully formed virus does not increase in size. Only its genetic material are capable of reproduction (host cell).

They however posses two fundamental characteristics of living systems

1.nucleic acids as their genetic material.

2.they can reproduce (only inside host cell)

Structure of virus

Virion- intact virus unit

Nucleic acid core surrounded by protein coat to form nucleocapsid.

Nucleocapsid - naked or surrounded by loose membrane

Composed of subunits - capsomeres

Capsid protects nucleic core from nucleases.

Three main shapes

Spherical - polyhedral

Helical - cylindrical or rod like


Can be naked or covered by envelope


Naked capsid: poliovirus, papilloma virus, adenovirus

Enveloped : herpes simplex virus


Naked : bacteriophage M13, tobacco mosaic virus

Enveloped : influenza virus