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23 Cards in this Set

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How is a birds circulatory system adapted?
4 chambred heart. Fast heartbeat. Nucleated and biconvex red blood cells. Mammals ar enucleated and biconcave.
Bird Diversity
Warmblooded. 9000 species. 27 orders
What are some adaptations for flight?
Highly efficient respiration. Efficient circulatory system. Endothermy. One ovary (although raptors tend to have 2)
What are the 4 types of bird wings?
Elliptical wings (good for forests) high speed wings (feed during flight or long migrations) soaring wings - oceanic birds. high lift wings - predators that can carry heavy loads.
What are three types of bird feathers?
Contour feathers - large covering most of body. Short nd fluffy down - insulates, found in young. Powder fethers used for aquatic birds.
How are hummingbirds adapted?
Small size, long beck for nectar feeding.
What is the purpose of a crop?
Holding chamber and moistening thing. In pigeons and doves the crop produces crop milk, which feeds young for a couple of weeks after hatching. Osprey regurgitate softened food for young, food stored in crop.
What does the first part of the stomach do compared with the second?
The first part (the proventriculus) is the "true" stomach and secretes gastric juices. The gizzard is a grinding mechanism and contains stones.
What makes up a gizzard?
Two pairs of muscles (thin and thick), koilin (protective lining. Stones.
What is different in the intestines in birds?
They are smaller small intestine than mammals.
What is the liver in birds like?
Large, with left and right ducts. Sometimes has a gall bladder. It secretes bil which emulsifies fats with lipase and activates pancreatic lipase.
Whats the cloaca in birds for?
Excretion, mineral and water balence. Also acts as a sperm storage sac.
Whats the excretory system like in birds?
Urine is formed in the kidneys, no urinairy bladder. Waste produced as uric acid not urea. Cloaca is the site of water reabsorbsion and the uric acid crytallises into a white paste.
What do birds reproductive tracts look like?
Males - 2 testes. Females 1 ovary. Outside the breeding season then reproductive organs shrink.
How do chickens reproduce?
Ova moves into infundibulum (20mins). Egg moves to magnum and egg white develops (4hours). Egg travels to the isthmus and membranes are added (1hour). Shell is added when it moves to uterus (18-20hours). Cloaca - laid
What is a "primitive" structure n male birds?
An eretile groove used to guide sperm into females cloaca.
How do birds copulate?
Press cloacal openings together and hope for the best. May need several attempts.
What is the problem with sperm production?
High body temperature means that sperm has to develop at night when core temp drops or wait until it goes into the cloaca.
How are the pectoralis muscles adapted?
Highly developed in flying birds, 1/3 of body weight,
How are ostrich muscles developed?
The hindlimb muscle is highly develped and can be 20% of muscle mass in the bird.
What are some important muscles?
3 muscle layers in legs. Throat muscles for song and adapted muscles such as in woodpeckers
How is a birds respiritory system adapted?
Highly adapted for flight. Finest branches of bronchi are developed as tubelike parabronchi. Air flows continueously, unlike mammals. Lungs are reletively rigid, with no disphram present.
What is the order of branching in a bird lung?
Primary bronchi
secondary bronchi
air capillaries