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42 Cards in this Set

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acertar a
to manage to
to succeed in
animar a
to encourage to
animarse a
to decide to
to make up one's mind to
aprender a
to learn to
arriesgar a
to risk __ing
atraverse a
to dare to
aventurarse a
to venture to
ayudar a
to help to
comenzar a
to begin to
comprometerse a
to make a commitment to
condenar a
to condemn to ___ing
decidirse a
to decide to
dedicarse a
to dedicate oneself to...
disponerse a
to prepare to
empezar a
to begin to
instar a
to urge to
enseñar a
to teach to
forzar a
to force to...
impulsar a
to impel to
incitar a
to incite to
inducir a
to induce to
inspirar a
to inpsire to
limitarse a
to limit oneself to ---ing...
meterse a
to take up ---ing
negarse a
to refuse to
obligar a
to oblige to
ofrecerse a
to offer to
pararse a
to stop to
persuadir a
to persuade to
ponerse a
to set out to
pretarse a
to lend oneself to
probar a
to try to
quedarse a
to stay to
resolverse a
to resolve to
romper a
to suddenly start to...
acabar de
to have just ---ed
cesar de
to cease --ing
haber de
to have to...
dejar de / parar de
to stop ---ing
terminar de
to finish --ing
tratar de
to try to...
molestarse en
to take the trouble to...