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62 Cards in this Set

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Where do veins transport blood?
Towards heart
Why do veins collapse?
Increases Transmural Pressure
What are the 3 Layers of venous walls?
Tunica Intima, Tunica Media, and Tunica Adventitia
What is contained within the Tunica Adventitia?
Vasa Vasorum
What is the function of the Vasa Vasorum?
Tinny vessels that distribute blood to the walls of the larger veins.
Hepatic veins drain
Heptofugal away from the liver and toward the IVC
Splenic veins drain
Heptopedal toward the liver through the portal-Splenic confluence.
Splenic and SMV make up the
Portal-Splenic confluence
Portal veins drain
Hepatic veins
Lt Testicular Vein drains
Lt renal vein then to IVC and causes most varicoseals due to 90 degree turn
Rt Testicular Vein drains
Perforators have ______valves
Perforators communicate
Btw superficial and deep system
Veinous drainage of lower leg occur as blood travels from ______ veins through _________ into the _____ veins.
Superficial veins through perforators into the deep veins
PTV has ____ perforators located at the _______ __________.
2 perforators located at the medial malleolus
Edema is a condition in which body tissues contain______ ______.
Excess Fluid
Edema has a variety of causes and occurs due to increase pressure due to ______ process (____)
Obstructive processs (DVT)
Effects of edema are
Incompetence of perforators allowing retrograde flow causing blood from deep to back up superficial system.
A breakdown of stagnant RBC's causing brawny discoloration and ulcers is ________.
Veins with no "valves" are
Soleal Sinus, Common Iliac and Internal Iliac, IVC, SVC, Innominant (upper extremity)
Veins with valves
G-Saph (10-12), CFV (1), PoP and SFV (1-3)
What do valves do?
Maintain flow in one direction
Normal flow is
Abnormal flow is
Retrograde= flow reversal
Valvular Incompentence blood travels
Both antegrade and retrograde
Valvular Incompetence results in:
1. Increased pressure in veins and pooling
2. Decreased venous return
3. Decreased CO
Increased pressure in veins and increased pooling (swelling when walking and not a DVT)
Ambulatory Venous Hypertension
_______ greatly effects venous flow.
(Breathing In) decreases intranet-thoracic pressure but increases intranet-abdominal pressure as diaphragm descends.
What does INSPIRATION do?
Increased in intra-abdominal pressure reduces or stops the outflow of blood from the lower extremity.
________increases venous flow from lower extremities, while halting flow from the upper extremities.
Pt performs by taking in a deep breath and then bearing down intra-thoracic and intra-abdominal pressure increase significantly and slowing down/stopping flow from lower extremity.
Valsalva maneuver
What determines the veins shape?
Transmural Pressure
_________ __________ is the difference between the pressure inside the vein (intraluminal) and the pressure outside the vein (interstitial).
Transmural Pressure
_______ pressure inside the vein.
________pressure outside the vein
What is hydrostatic pressure?
Is the equivalent to the weight of column of blood extending from heart to level where the pressure is being measure.
Hydrostatic Pressure supine person about
15 mmHg
Standing: measured at the ankle rises approx. to ___mmHg and is height_______.
102 mmHg and height dependent
_______ _______ is related to gravity and distance from the heart, the pressure will actually decrease if the extremity is raised above the level of the heart.
Hydrostatic Pressure
Complexes supply the venous drainage from within the deep calf muscles and drain into the PTV and Peroneal Vein. Common place for DVT.
Soleal Sinus
_______ and _______ muscles acts as a MAJOR Part of CALF-Venous (venous heart)
Soleal and Gastrocnemius
What does Valvular incompetence leads to?
Veins become stretched, valves inability for antegrade blood flow,
Valvular incompetence may also be due to injury, blood clot, or chronic inflammation can lead to ______and_____.
Venous Reflux and Varicose Veins
Deep digital veins form
Metatarsal veins
Metatarsal veins form
Deep Venous Arches
Paired _____ veins empty ____ region of the ____ region and carry blood ______ into the ______ ____.
Tibioperoneal Trunk
The paired veins of the calf follow the arteries and are called_____ ____
Venae Comitantes (corresponding veins)
Paired ____ empty back of the leg and carry blood to the _____ _____.
Tibioperoneal Trunk
Paired _____ empty in the from to leg.
_____ and ____ _____ veins join just below the knee to from the _____vein
Tibioperoneal Trunk
____ becomes the _____ at the Inguinal Ligament
Deep _____ Vein joins the _____ to make the ____
Femoral Vein, SFV, CFV
CFV becomes the ____ Iliac just above the Inguinal Ligament
External Iliac
External Iliac Vein unites with the Internal Iliac to become the ______.
Common Iliac Vein
The LT Iliac Vein passes _____ the Rt Iliac artery to empty into the _____. Reason why there are more ____ on the left.
The Common Iliac Veins join to the IVC at the level of the ____ lumbar.
Digital veins form large channels of the foot that eventually form the ______
What is the longest vein in the body?
_______ orginates on the dorsum of the foot and travels medially to the saphenous femoral junction in the groin (about the level of the CFA bifurcation of teh Superficial and Deep arteries.
_______ ascends the back of the leg to join the pop vein
Lesser Saph
Deep veins have corresponding _____, and superficial runs _____.