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14 Cards in this Set

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*theory of utility/usefulness


*action = right if it produces most pleasure for greatest number of people (+ least pain)

Principle of utility

*Action right if it promotes and maximises happiness

*happiness = supreme value

Hedonism (ACT)

*theory that defines right in terms of pleasure

Hedonic calculus - (ACT)


Whether act fits principle of utility

*Duration (long term or short term)

*Extent (how many people)

*Richness (chance of recuring)

*Proximity (present or in the future)

*Purity (how little pain?)

*Intensity (how strong?)

*Certainty (will pleasure result?)

Development by Mill

*not all pleasure = same

*higher and lower pleasures

Harm principle

*only have freedom when creating pleasure that doesn't harm others

Higher + lower pleasures

"Better to have a human dissatisfied than a pig satisfied

*higher = pleasure of mind/intellect

*lower = pleasure of body

RULE utilitarianism - Mill

*not every act needs be assessed

*actions = right if you can draw up rule from past experiences that shows it fulfils principle of utility

*hybrid of teleological + deontological

*morally good = follows rule (e.g. law)

Strong rule

*any rules formed and established by principle of utility = never be broken as they guarantee happiness for society

Weak rule

*in some situations = ok to break rule as it's more likey to fulfil the principle of utility

Strengths (ACT)


*acknowledges everyone's different

*no religion - suits modern society

*allows room for different cultures

allows room for different cultures

Weaknesses (ACT)

*some actions are just wrong - don't need to be measured

*Hedonic calculus = not practical

*can't measure happiness (too subjective)

Strengths (RULE)

*clearer tha act + more simple

*allows you to flow already existing laws

*more practical

*better moral framework the act

Weaknesses (RULE)

*switched back to havimg rules - should focus more on happiness

*not as Compassionate