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30 Cards in this Set

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Me da la impresión de que me tomas por un ...

Parece que crees que yo soy. ..

You seem to think I'm a. ..

En cierto sentido/ de cierto modo ...

In a sense, ....

Dicho esto. ..

Having said that. ... / That said. ...

+- ¡Lo recordaré de ahora en adelante!

I'll remember that from now on!

...un lenguaje mucho más rico....

....A much richer language. ...

Él está más espabilado (después de haber estado enfermo)

He is much brighter

He is driving himself too hard

+- like saying "he is demanding too much from himself"

Soy una mujer de palabra

"I'm a woman of my word"

"She is a woman of her word"...

"Da igual (que... /cuando / cuanto/donde... )"

You use no matter in expressions such as 'no matter how' and 'no matter what' to say that something is true or happens in all circumstances.

Also used when you have decided that sth is not really important, interesting, or worth discussing.E.g.'Didn't you ever read the book?' Keating shook his head. 'Well, no matter.'.

Synonyms: don't worry about it,

~ never mind, it doesn't matter

- No matter what they tell us. ...

- No matter what your age, you can lose weight by following this program.

- No matter how often they were urged, they could not bring themselves to join in.

- Jenkins would reward all investors, no matter when they made their investment.

(Upon) My word!

an exclamation of surprise, annoyance, etc


Estoy llegando (a casa)

I'm on my way home

I'll be there in 5

I'm almost there

I'm nearly there

I'm just round the corner (not literally!)

Matt tenía curiosidad acerca de él

Matt was curious about him

Me hubiera gustado darte una sorpresa


I would have liked/loved to (have given you a surprise / have surprised you when I told you about my trip.... )

Ir a por todas , jugarse el todo por el todo

informal PHRASE

'To go the whole hog'

*hog= 'cerdo' !

Do something completely or thoroughly

E. g.

‘George decided to go the whole hog and join the Total Abstinence Society’

be about to


If you are about to do something, you are going to do it very soon. If something is about to happen, it will happen very soon.

I think he's about to leave.

The film was about to start.

Ante mis propios ojos, "delante de mis narices"

Right before my eyes

Te entra por un oído y te sale por el otro

Sth that GOES IN one ear and OUT the other

It's no good + v-ing

~ there's no point in + v-ing

~ it's no use + v-ing

"No tiene ningún sentido / no merece la pena "

It's no good worrying about it

To the fore

In or to a conspicuous* or leading position


If someone or something comes to the fore in a particular situation or group, they become important or popular.

* /kənˈspɪkjʊəs/ clearly visible, obvious, evident // attracting notice or attention, noticeable, perceptible...

‘the succession issue came to the fore’

‘When work amongst women is taken seriously then many more women will come to the fore and take leading positions.

sleep tight

About the origin of the phrase ‘sleep tight’... It seems that tight in this expression is the equivalent of the only surviving use of the adverb tightly meaning 'soundly, properly, well, effectively'.

I can't help + v-ing

"No puedo evitar. ..."

I can't help falling in love

finishing touch (also finishing stroke)

NOUN usually finishing touches

A final detail or action completing and enhancing a piece of work.

"Broche final/ el broche de oro "

embellishment, embellishing, decorating, decoration, ornamentation, ornament, enhancement, enhancing

‘now they're putting the finishing touches to a new album

Have an eye TO (+ noun/v-ing)

With an eye to

Have (or having) as one's objective

'Con vistas a ...'

Consider (or be considering) prudently.

‘The database company continues a multiyear, multibillion-dollar acquisition binge with an eye to dominating the enterprise application landscape.

‘the charity must have an eye to the future’

Have/keep one's eye on

Hope or plan to acquire

Margaret has her eye on a coat

by a long shot

long shotNOUNAn attempt or guess that has only the slightest chance of succeeding or being accurate.‘it's a long shot, but well worth trying’

... .... .... ..... ......

Phrases(not) by a long shotinformal(not) by far or at all.

‘This mystifying one was our favourite by a long shot.

It's a shambles

shamblesPLURAL NOUN (informal)

treated as singular

A state of total disorder

‘my career was in a shambles

I'll be back in a jiffy

Estaré de vuelta en un periquete

We'll finish in a jiffy

I'll do it in a jiffy


Llevo estudiando 5 años

I have been studying for 5 years (now)

Lista de espera

Waiting list

Love you and leave you

To say that you must leave, although you would like to stay

I'm going to love you and to leave you