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75 Cards in this Set

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Arrival of Columbus


Jamestown was founded


House of Burgesses established


Pilgrims land


English Civil War


Glorious Revolution


Georgia is established


First Great Awakening


End of French and Indian war


Fighting begins between colonists and British troops


Congress votes for independence, Declaration of Independence


Cornwallis surrenders


Peace Treaty signed


The first people to have entered , and inhabited, the American continents during the final glacial episodes of the the late Pleistocene period


British term for corn

Mississippian Culture

Loose collection of communities dispersed along the Mississippi river from Louisiana to Illinois that shared similar technologies and beliefs that the Adena and Hopewell people did


Indian people that lived in the southwestern United States (mainly New Mexico and Arizona), whom lived in pueblos, which are multi-storied houses built from stone, adobe mud, and other local material


Aggressive, warlike people; often conquered their enemies; participated in human sacrifice; eventually conquered by Spain


Member of a traditional class of farmers, either labors or owners of small farms


Kingdom in parts of Europe and Asia; BC 302-159

Ferdinand & Isabella

Marriage began a political unification of Spain; building nation by driving Jews and Muslims out of Spain; no tolerance for people who rejected catholic faith; monarchs who Columbus petitioned for financial backing for his famous voyage

Christopher Columbus

Famous voyage in 1492; he had discovered a new world

Amerigo Vespucci

Claimed to have found mainland before Columbus; before misconception was corrected the name America stuck

Leif Ericsson

Discovered Vinland (located in Newfoundland) before Columbus ever made journey

Zuan Cabboto

First European to explore the mainland of N. America since the vikings

Henry Hudson

English explorer employed by a Dutch company, searching for the Northwest Passage, sailed p the river that bears his name. Several trading posts established here.

Columbian Exchange

exchange of plants, animals, culture, & diseases between Europe and the Americas from first contact throughout the era of exploration

Sir Walter Raleigh

Made tobacco popular in England; paved the way for English settlements in Virginia; was later executed


Failed colony; along the Outer Banks (which made it difficult to find & deliver supplies to); Raleigh founded it

St. Augustine

Spanish colony; First permanent European settlement in what would become the US

New Netherland

Established by Dutch due to rivalry with Spain; Henry Hudson; colony did not last long, English conquered and allowed Dutch to remain there


Traditional shell beads of the Eastern Woodland tribes of North America


Small Caribbean island; massive sugar production; slave labor; settlers moved to Carolinas for better life (overcrowded in Barbados)


Members of a reformed protestant sect in Europe and America that insisted on removing all vestige of Catholicism from popular religious practice


Protestants who were severely critical of the Church of England and wanted either to destroy or separate from it


Royal house of Welsh and English decent


Succeeded Queen Elizabeth on the throne, a family who fought constantly with parliament; began with English Civil War and ended with the Glorious Revolution

Virginia Comapny

Originally known as the London Company, set out to establish plantations in Virginia


The first successful British colony


Indian tribe in Virginia, named after their leader; tried to drive English out of Virginia and failed which led to their demise


Chesapeake staple; relied on bound labor; mainly in Virginia and Maryland

House of Burgesses

an elective representative assembly in colonial Virginia. First representative government in the colonies


Colonies of Virginia and Maryland

Indentured Servants

Someone who worked for an employer long enough to pay of their debt from passage to the New World

Captain John Smith

Leader in Jamestown; brought order out of anarchy; traded with indians for food, mapped out Chesapeake Bay area, and was supposedly rescued from Pocahontas


People who separated themselves from the Church of England; many settled in America; others a new life in Leyden


Second successful British colony; modern day Massachusetts; founded by Separatists

Mayflower Compact

Agreement among the Pilgrims aboard the Mayflower in 1620 to create a civil government at Plymouth Colony


Native american leader local to Plymouth colony who helped teach Pilgrims to much about hunting and agriculture


A Patuxt Indian who welcomed the first Pilgrims in excellent English. Was captured and sold to Spanish; later escaped to London where he learned English

Massachusetts Bay Company

A joint stock trading company sent by the English crown to colonize New England

John Winthrop

Governor of Massachusetts bay; Puritan man; attack of Indians on New England


an agreement; legal contract

Rodger Williams

Preached extreme separatism; founder of providence; later in what would be called Rhode Island

Anne Hutchison

Religious ideas term Antinomianism; threatened civil and religious anarchy; exiled to Rhode Island

English Civil War

Charles Stuart attempted to run country without Parliament; started battle between Royalists and Parliamentarians; Charles was beheaded

Restoration Colonies

Land grant in the Americas given to the supporters during the Stuart Restoration

William Penn

Founded Pennsylvania; Quakers; opened to anyone who believed in God


Group of Indians English tried to civilize; extended free education to them at the College of William and Mary

Bacon's Rebellion

Armed rebellion in Virginia led by Nathaniel Bacon against the colonies royal governor Sir William Berkeley. Some followers wanted an end to special privilege in government, Bacon wanted larger share in Indian trade


Port, city, or trading post

First Great Awakening

Widespread religious revival movement of the mid-1700s. Movement divided congregations and weakened the authority of established churchs

The Enlightenment

Philosophical and intellectual movement that began in Europe during the 18th century. Stressed the application of reason to solve social and scientific problems

Glorious Revolution

Replacement of James II with William and Mary, marking the beginning of constitutional monarchy in Britain

Second Continental Congress

Organized continental army and oragnized George Washington to lead it

Treaty of Paris

Agreement establishing American Independence after the civil war. Also transferred all land east of the mississippi river to the new republic

Committee of Correspondence

vast communication network formed in Massachusetts and other colonies to communicate grievances and to provide colonists with evidence of British oppression

Albany Congress

Intercoloinal cooperation plan that envisioned a Grand Council of elected delegates that would tax and provide for the common defense. was shut down by colonists and British government

Navigation Acts

Series of commercial restrictions passed by Parliament intended to regulate colonial commerce in such a way as to favor England's accumulation of wealth


Throughout conflict with Great Britain, many colonists sided with the king and Parliament

Middle Ground

A geographical area where two distinct cultures meet and merge with neither holding a clear upper hand


American victory; led by Nathanael Greene; South Carolina

Bunker Hill

Battle led to British victory; however with 40% British casualties

Stono Rebellion

Slave rebellion; slaves from South Carolina rose up; killed white planters; marched to spanish florida where they were promised freedom; however local militia met them and killed most of them

Land Riots

Disputes over land claims