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14 Cards in this Set

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L/S ratio what is it and interpretation

Lecethin sphingomyelin

Ratio of <2.0 is immature lung

>2.0 is fetal lung maturity


Component of surfactants that coat pulmonary alveoli

Produced in low amts until 35 weeks


Lipid produced in constant amts until 26 weeks

Urine test useful in evaluating renal tubular function

Specific gravity

Mousy or musty smell in urine


Leads to a build up of keto acids such as phenylpyruvic acid

Green colored amniotic fluid


Not typically released in utero unless baby is in distress

Alkaptonuria will result in what color urine upon standing

Black or brown due to accumulation of homo acid

When I say xanthochromia you say


Glitter cells

WBC in hypo

Phosphatidylglycerol immunochemical slide

Lipid component of pulmonary surfactants do not collect before 35 weeks

False low r neg leukocytes esterase on strip

Protein, glucose l, oxalic acid and ascorbic acid in high levels can interfere with LE pad

Ethylene glycol ingestion urine crystals

Calcium oxalate

Colorless dumbells rings

What should you correct for when using a refractometer to measure urine cx

Large mass solutes like glucose and protein

Minus 0.003 for each gram

Pilocarpine iontophoresis

Indices sweating for sweat chloride test