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49 Cards in this Set

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what composes urinary system?

2 kidneys

2 ureters

urinary bladder


It is a paired bean-shaped,retroperitoneal organ located in the posterior wall of the abdominal cavity.


Organized into many lobes and pyramidal structure

Give the 2 Regions of the Kidney.

medulla- inner region (light staining)

cortex - outer region (dark staining)

what is the functional unit of the kidney?


Recessed central fissure where the vessels and nerves and ureter pass

Renal hilum

Extensions of the medulla into the cortex

Medullary rays

Comprises the cluster of collecting tubules and ducts

Extensions of the cortex to the medulla

Renal columns

Several pyramid shaped subunits, it bases lie in the cortex and apices lie in the medulla

Renal lobes

8-18 Lobes

Collects and empty the urine from each lobe into the larger major calyces

minor calyces

Empties the urines into the single funnel- shaped renal pelvis which is continuous with the ureter

major calyces

One per abdomen, arise from the aorta in the upper abdomen

Renal arteries

The median concavity of each kidney

Renal sinus

The region comprises the renal sinus andn its contents


Dark staining outer region


Light staining inner region consisting of 8-18 conical medullary pyramids


Each consists of central medullary ray and all nephrons emptying into its collecting tubules

Renal lobules

What are the parts of nephron?

Renal corpuscles

proximal convulated tubules

loop of henle

distal convulated tubule

Enumerate the Parts of renal corpuscles.

1. Glomerulus

2. Bowman's capsule

3. Filtration barrier

4. Vascular pole

5. Urinary pole

6. filtration mechanism

Parts of Loop of Henle

Descending Limb - first segment

Ascending Limb- resemble DCT

The blood filtering unit of the nephron

Renal corpuscle

What comprises the filtration barrier?

Glomerulus & Bowman's capsule

Small tuff of capillaries which has fenestrae and are covered by thin diaphragm


Double walled epithelial chamber

Bowman's capsule

2 Walls of bowmans capsule

Visceral layer (inner) -podocytes

Parietal layer (outer)- simp.SE

Cells with long primary processes from which arises interdigitating foot processes(pidecels)


Chamber between visceral and parietal layer

Urinary bowman's space

Structures separating the capillary lumen from the urinary space

Filtration barrier

The side where the afferent arterioles feeding glomerular capillaries enter and efferent arterioles exit.

Vascular pole

Side where PCT exit

Urinary pole

Component of the barrier limits the passage of blood components

Filtration mechanism

Epithelial tube from the renal corpuscles urinary pole forming brush border


Simple cuboidal- low columnar linings, microvilli

U shaped epithelial tube functions as prerequisite for forming hypertonic urine

Loop of henle

Final nephron segment which lacks brush border


Disk of tightly packed columnar cells formed by the distal tubule epithelium which monitors NaCl concentration

Macula densa

This causes the cell lining to reabsorb more sodium.


Regulates sat and water balance

Increases sodium excretion

Atrial natriuretic factor

primary responsible for setting up the medullas osmotic gradient

Juxtamedullary nephron

Has short,thick descending limbs and longer thin limbs that extends deeper into the medulla

A potent diuretic that inhibits the sodium and chloride reabsorption


Reduce hypertonicity of medulla

Recieved reduced volume of hypotonic or isotonic urine from the nephron and empty into large collecting ducts.

Cortical CT

This play the final role in forming hypertonic urine

Medullary CT

Juxtamedullary apparatus

Juxtamedullary cells - (PAS + granules)

macula densa

extraglomerular mesangial cells (polkissen)

enzyme that produce plasma angiotensinogen


Drugs that reduce bp by reducing angiotensin II production

ACE inhibitors

Urinary system blood supply

1.Renal artery - from abdominal aorta

2.Posterior and Anterior branch

- arise from renal artery (hilum)

3. Interlobular arteries

- arise from posterior and anterior branch(medulla bet. pyramids)

4. Arcuate arteries

- arise from interlobular arteries

(bet. Cortex and medulla)

5. Afferent arterioles

- supply glomerulus

6. Efferent arterioles

- carries blood away from glomerulus

carries urine from renal pelvis to urinary bladder


Distensible muscular sac

Urinary bladder

3 main parts of male urethra

1.Prostatic segment- most proximal part

2. membranous segment- shortest

3. cavernous segment

The longest portion of the nephron in the cortex


Maintains the osmotic gradient

Vassa recta