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10 Cards in this Set

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Fringe benefit

Something extra you get because of your job in addition to your pay

Blown away

Something (performance of piece of music) amazes you because it's so good


If two people are on the same wavelength, they think in the same way

be part and parcel of something (C2)

to be a feature of something, especially a feature that cannot be avoided

burn a hole in someone's pocket

If money is burning a hole in your pocket, you are very eager to spend it

get your act together(informal, C2)

to start to organize yourself so that you do things in an effective way

be back to square one

to not have made any progress after trying to succeed or achieve something

it never rains but it pours

said when one bad thing happens, followed by a lot of other bad things that make a bad situation worse

fighting fit

Extremely healthy

have two left feet(humorous)

to move in a very awkward way when dancing