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38 Cards in this Set

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Act of conveying ownership or transferring title of real estate from on party to another

Private Grant

Is from individuals to individuals, using a deed

Public Grant

Is from government to individual, using a land patent


Is from individuals to the government, by recording a plat

Characteristics of conveyance deeds:

The parties are Owner/Seller, who is the _____________.


Characteristics of conveyance deeds:

The parties are __________, who is the grantee.


Who is required to provide a written deed of real property?


The major difference between types of deeds is the __________ given by the grantor to the grantee.

Extent of the promise

Are deeds a guarantee or prove ownership?


Recording deeds provide very strong evidence of ownership.

In order for a title to transfer, are deeds required to be recorded?


Title transfers with acceptance by the grantee.

What are the 7 Essential Elements is a valid deed?

1. Competent grantor

2. Execution by the grantee

3. Identifiable grantee

4. Legal description of the land

5. Consideration

6. Words of Conveyance

7. Delivered to and accepted by the grantee

Competent Grantor

18 years of age



Execution by the Grantor

Deed must be signed by all owners to convey the property

Identifiable Grantee

Need not be competent

Legal Description of Land

Describes only the land

appurtenances are presumes to transfer with the land unless specifically excluded


Money are something of value

Words of Conveyance

AKA - Granting Clause

States the seller is making a grant that conveys or transfers the warranties of the deed

Delivery to and acceptance by the Grantee

Title passes upon acceptance by grantee

3 types of conveyance deeds

1. General warranty deed

2. Special limited warranty deed

3. Quitclaim deed

General Warranty Deed

1. Includes the most promises or covenants

2. Greatest protection for the Grantee buyer

3. Contains 5 covenants and warranties of title

What are the 5 covenants and warranties of title?

1. Covenant of seisin

2. Covenant of quiet enjoyment

3. Covenant against encumbrances

4. Covenant of further assurance

5. Warranty forever

Covenant of Seisin

Grantor owns and has right to convey

Covenant of Quiet Enjoyment

Grantee will not be disturbed by others claiming title to the property

Covenant against Encumbrances

No undisclosed encumbrances (liens, restrictions, easements)

Covenant of further assurance

Future cooperation in signing additional documents

Warranty Forever

Guarantee of defense of title against claims such as liens or easements

Special Warranty Deed

1) Grantor only warrants title against defects that may have arisen during grantors ownership NOT those of earlier property owners

2) No warranties against previous encumbrances

Quitclaim Deed

1. Least liability for the Grantor or Seller

2. No covenants or warranties

a) used to clear clouds on title (problem solvers)

b. Would use when grantor wants NO FURTHER claims or liabilities

A will must go through ________ in order for the devisee to receive real property.


What is a testator?

Person who has the will

Define: Devise

Act of transferring a deceased persons interest in real property to another, deed

Define: Bequest

Act of transferring a deceased persons interest in personal property to another, bill of sale

What are the advantages of having a will?

All heir are known so no chance of escheat

Intestate Succession

No will

Heirs/descendants are determined by state law

No heirs property will escheat with the state

What are they 2 types of involuntary alienation?

1. Adverse possession

2. Easement by prescription/prescriptive easement

Adverse Possession

Ownership recognized by the courts after open, continuous, exclusive, actual and notorious (hostile) possession of another’s land for a certain period of time set by state law.

Easement by prescription

Easement recognizes by the courts after open, continuous, exclusive, actual, and notorious (hostile) use of another’s land for a certain period of time.

What does OCEAN mean?

O - Open

C - Continuous

E - Exclusive

A - Actual

N - Notorious (hostile)

Possession or Use must me this!