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30 Cards in this Set

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Lavendula dentata - French lavendar

Lavendula heterophylla - Sweet lavendar

Rosmarinus officinalis - Rosemary

Cistus 'Silver pink' - Rockrose

Quercus suber - cork oak

Thymus serpyllum - Elfin thyme

Grevillea 'Moonlight'

Leucadendron CVS - Safari sunset conebush

Chondropetalum tectorum - Cape Rush

Dymondia margaretae - Dymondia

Protea longifolia - Long-Leaved protea

Jasminum angulare - South African Jasmine

Tibouchina heteromalla - Glory Bush

Ceanothus griseus var. Horizontalis 'Yankee point'

Epilobium canum spp. canum - Cali. Fuschia

Salvia apiana - White Sage

Dasylirion longissimum - Mexican Grass Tree

Kalanchoe luciae - Paddle plant

Aeonium urbicum - Saucer plant

Senecio serpens - Senecio

Echeveria spp. - Echevaria

Hibertia vestita - Hairy guinea flower

Anigozanthos spp. - Kangaroo paws

Adenanthus sericeus - Coastal Wooly Brush

Alyogyne huegellii 'Monterey' - Blue Hibiscus

Arctostaphyllos insularis - Island Manzanita

Malva assurgentifolia - Island Tree Mallow

Salvia spathacea - Hummingbird sage

Euphorbia milii - Dwarf Crown of Thorns

Agonis flexuosa 'Jervis Bay afterdark' - Peppermint Tree