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30 Cards in this Set

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Ba' rrage
(N) a rapid, large scale outpouring of something
S: bomardment, shelling, volley, blast
Big' ot
(N) an intolerant, prejudiced, or baised person
S: racist
Des' ig nate
(V) to indicate, point out; (ADJ) selected but not yet installed
S: name, signify, denote, nominate, choose
Di ver' si ty
(N) difference,variety; a condition of having many different types of formes
S: dissimilarity
A: similarity, sameness, uniformity
E nig' ma
(N) someone or something that is extremely puzzling; that which cannot be undersood or explained
S: riddle, mystery, puzzle, conudrum
(V) to look at or think about with great intensity and satisfaction to take great personal joy in
S: relish, revel in, crow over
A: regret, bemoan, mourn, feel chagrined
Glo' bal
(ADJ) of, relating to, or involving the entire world; comprehensive
S: worldwide, universal, widespread
A: local, regional, provincial
I llu' sion
(N) a false idea; something that one seems to see or to be aware of that really does not exist
S: delusion, fantasy, deception
A: reality, truth, actuality
In fur' i ate
to make very angery, enrage
S: provoke, incense, madden
A: calm, soothe, pacify, please
Mo' ti vate
(V) to provide with a reson for doing, to push on to some goal or course of action
S: Spur on, encourage, prompt, goad
A: discourage, dissuade, disincline
Pac i fist
(N) one who is against war or the use of violence (ADJ) opposing war or violence
S:peacemaker, dove
A: warmonger
(N) a line of people waiting for something ( such as a bus or the opening of a store); (V) to form such a line
S: column, file, row, line
A: disorganized crowd
Re strict'
(V) to keep within set limits; to confine
S: hold back, limit
A: open up, enlargen, expand
(ADJ) wise; (N) a very wise peson
S: sagacious philosopher, Solomon
A: foolish, unwise, fool, dunce
(V) to satisfy, relieve, or bring to an end
S: quench, gratify, sate, ease, assuage
A: increase
Te rrain'
(N) The landscape, especially considering with regard to its physical features or fitness for some use; a field of knowlege
S: ground
Vo ca' tion
(N) any trade, profession, or occupation; a sense of fitness or special calling for ones work
S: career, pursuit
A: hobby, pastime, avocation
(N) a solemn or sacred promise or pledge; (V) to declare or promise in a solemn way
S: word of honor; pledge
Way' lay
(V) to lie in wait for and attack, ambush
S: entrap, ensnare
With' er
to dry up, wilt, sag, to cause someone the feel ashamed, humiliated, or very small
S: shrivel, droop, shame, abash
S: bloom, flower, flourish, burgeon
Person trained or gifted in exercises or contests involving physical agility, stamina, and strength
Permission to do or not to do something.
the sake of training or improvement of health
to enclose on all sides; encompass
to realize beforehand; foretaste or foresee
having power and ability; efficient; competent
a vessel for transport by water
a preparation of the seeds of cacao, roasted, husked, and ground, often sweetened and flavored
bearing podlike fruit yielding an extract used in flavoring food, in perfumery
particularly; exceptionally; markedly