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101 Cards in this Set

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He's normal height, with a wide chest and shoulders.

height - ارتفاع/طول

Jood has small eyes.


He has short hair and some hair on his face.

وصف الشخص

He has a large mouth with thin lips.

lips - شفايف

He has a strong chin.

strong chin - ذقن قويه

Benny's head is huge.

huge - كبير جدا

He is not tall. He is normal height.

height - طول طبيعي

You see with your eyes.

تركيب الجمله

You smell with your nose.

You smell - تشم

Vivien can lift heavy boxes with her strong shouldrs.

lift heavy boxes - رفع الصناديق الثقيله

He was normal height with a wide chest.

جمله بالماضي

The man had the same face as the police drawing?

police drawing - رسم الشرطه

Did the big bag have anything written on it?

written - مكتوب

It is difficult for me to read the words. I'm having touble with my nose.

تركيب الجمله

I was lifting heavy boxes all day and now my shoulders hurt!

الجمله بالماضي

During the class, please take your hat off your head.

During - خلال

Your eyes is on your face.

تركيب الجمله

She ate hot soup and burned her mouth.

burned - احرق

He can't wear the shirt because it is too small for his chest.

تركيب الجمله

He doesn't drink enough water, so his lips are dry.

dry - جاف

Your hair is getting too long. It's time to cut it short.

تركيب الجمله

Jose's little boy was too short to see the concert, so he put him on his shoulders.

concert - الحفله

I have a bad cold, so I can't breathe through my nose.

I have a bad cold - اعاني من نزلة برد/لدي نزلة برد

breathe - اتنفس

through - من خلال

Benny said that he was in his bedroom last night.

جمله بالماضي

Where were you yesterday?

•Where did you go after he was a sleep?

•Where were you when I called?

•How much did this stuff cost?

•How much fid this computer cost?

•How did you get all the money for this stuff?

•How did you get money for all this stuff?

•How fid you eat six pizzas by youtself?

•What did you do last night when you left the house?

•What did you do at your friend's house?

•What fid you eat for dinner?

•When did you come home ladt night?

•Why were you not at work this morning?

اسألة الدرس الأول الفصل الثاني

I was at my friend's house.

•I was at home all night. I slept.

•I was the library.

•Bill eas here with me. but then he want home.

•We studied for our math test.

•They were in the kitchen yeserday morning.

طريقة الاجابه عن شيء بالماضي

I saw a red car in front of my house.

in front of - امام

جمله بالماضي

I looked out my front widow and saw a red car

جمله بالماضي

There were two women. One woman was 40 to 45 years old.

جمله للوصف وهي شيء رأيته بالماضي

The man had brown eyes. a big nose, and a small mouth with thin lips.

had - الماضي والتصريف الثالث من have

About 10 minutes later. they drove away in an old blue van.

جمله وصفيه بالماضي

My neighbor is short and has strong arms.

has - فعل الملكيه للمفرد الغائب

تستخدم للمضارع البسيط مع he,she,it, or name

I saw two men carrying a bookshelf to a van.

carrying - حمل او شيل

One man wore a blue cap, so I couldn't see his face.

wore - الفعل الماضي من wear

The other man wore jeans and a T-shirt.

جمله بالماضي

¶ What did he wear?

He wore a suit and tie.

سؤال وجواب والإجابه بالماضي

¶ How old was the woman?

She was 20-25 years old.

سؤال واجابه بالماضي

•She has big feet.

•How many times did you play tennis last week.

•He has a very larg head.

•What time was the party?

مفاتيح الدرس

These rings don't fit on my fingers.

fit - تناسب

When did you have your party and how many people were there?

تركيبة الجمله غريبه

Donna finally made it to work this morning, but why was she so late?

made it - تمكنت

Did sam tell you how much I paid for those tickets.

تركيب الجمله مهم

I know Sean and I got home late, but what time did we actually leave your house.

تركيب الجمله غريب ومهم

How many people were at your party last week?

were - الفعل الماضي من are

تستخدم اذا كانت الجمله بالماضي مع you,we,they والجمع

Did it cost a lot to go on vacation? How much did you spend on your hotel?

سؤال وتركيب الجمله مهم

Were you there early? What time did you arrive?

Were you there - هل كنت هناك

early - مبكرا

An announcement

An announcement - اعلان

Khae is upset because of Todd

upset - منزعجه

because of - بسبب

Marco wants to see Todd get fired.

get fired - يطرد/يتعرض للطرد

Marco wants to see Todd get fired.

get fired - يطرد/يتعرض للطرد

I'm happy that it's our idea, but not happy that Todd gets the credit.

gets the credit - حصل على الأفضل

I bet he's excited to get that money.

I bet - اراهن

I bet he's excited to get that money.

I bet - اراهن

He's relaxed because he's going to win.

going to win - سيفوز

She loves to cook.

مضارع بسيط

I can't stand him.

I can't stand him - لا أطيقه

I can't stand him.

I can't stand him - لا أطيقه

You're being nice. I hate him.

You're being nice - انت لطيف

Don't say hate. It's a bad word.

تركيب الجمله

I'm into seeing Todd lose.

into - الى/الى الداخل/نحو/في/حول/مهتم بـ

I'm into seeing Todd lose.

into - الى/الى الداخل/نحو/في/حول/مهتم بـ

I really don't like my boss because he is very mean.

very mean - لئيم جدا

I just love to hate Melinda. She is not nice.

love to hate - احب ان اكره

Jeff is unfriendly. I'm into seeing him lose.

جيف غير ودي. أنا مهتم بـ رؤيته يخسر.

Jeff is unfriendly. I'm into seeing him lose.

جيف غير ودي. أنا مهتم بـ رؤيته يخسر.

Jeff is unfriendly. I'm into seeing him lose.

جيف غير ودي. أنا مهتم بـ رؤيته يخسر.

I can't stand my neighbour. He is very loud.

I can't stand - انا لا أستطيع

No beans, please. I can't stand them!

تركيب الجمله

James: What color don't you like?

Jasmine: I can't stand the color red.

سؤال واجابه

I am happy to go to the concert because am really into that band.

into - مهتم بـ

that band - تلك الفرقه

I am happy to go to the concert because am really into that band.

into - مهتم بـ

that band - تلك الفرقه

Hi. My name is Addison. I'm going to talk about what I like and don't like. I really like sports. I'm into basketball and tennis, but I can't stand golf. School makes me happy. Ijust love to study! I hate people who lie. It makes me very angry. I don't like it when my friends It makes me want to cry. The cry. person I like the most is my mother. I love her! I don't like tests because I worry a lot. When I am nervous, I like to read books. Reading makes me feel better.

قطعه حلوه للفهم والمراجعه

There were two truly great ideas.

truly - حقاً

What was the winner's prize?

prize - جائزه

and I realized there was one truly great idea.

I realized - ادركت

truly - حقاً

I'm going to tell the winner now.

استخدام going to

The Banana Cap from our head of Human Resources, Rima

our head of Human Resources

رئيس الموارد البشريه لدينا

Tomorrow, Matt is going to be in New York.

استخدام going to

John was at home last night. He was in bed reading a book.

تركيب الجمله

There were many people at the party yesterday.

تركيب الجمله

I wasn't sure which idea was the best.

تركيب الجمله

Did you see where he was yesterday.

تركيب الجمله

There were many good football players in the game.

تركيب الجمله

That was a great idea!

تركيب الجمله

Where were you yesterday? I waited for one hour!

تركيب الجمله

There were many good questions at the meeting.

تركيب الجمله

I was on vacation with my family

تركيب الجلمه

Were you and Liam sad at the end of vacation?

No, we weren't sad. We were happy.

سؤال واجابه

I am at school now

تركيب الجمله

I am going to be in China next week.

تركيب الجمله

Where were you last Satuday afternoon?

I was at my friend's house.

طريقة سؤال

What is the problem with summer?

Children are bored.

bored - ضجر/ملل

Who is going to make the football teams?

طريقة سؤال

What fo children need to have to join the football teams?

Good shoes.

طريقة للسؤال

Which children go to the summer theater program?

Children who do not like sports.

theater - مسرح

What do children in the program do at the end of summer?

They have a show.

سؤال واجابه

What is special about the cooking class?

The children never use an oven in class.

سؤال واجابه

Do you want to have fun, exercise, and meet new people? Come play tennis!

تركيب الجمله

You don't have to buy rackets and you don't need to buy balls. We have all the equipment for you! just bring your tennis shoes.

rackets - مضارب

equipment - معدات

Who wanted to go to the mountain?

تركيب الجمله

I'm preparing the soup right now

preparing - احضر