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68 Cards in this Set

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The Great Chan of Being

Greece's understand of the diversity of life. Lowest forms of life, (like plants) only had the ability to grow. Higher up were animals because they could move, then humans, then gods.

Natural Theology

1. The earth was created recently (within 10,000 years)

2. Life on earth is young

3. Species are immutable

4. Each species was created independently and separately

5. Lineages do not split

6. Between organisms and their surroundings is evidence of supernatural design

Georges Cuvier

Published list of 23 species known only from fossils. He didn't;t believe in evolution, but his observations were difficult to explain.

Lyell and Hutton

Uniformitarianism: the idea that geological processes acting today acted in the past.

They studied rocks and thought that Geological features are explained by gradual mechanisms (a river carving a valley).

Applies because they thought that this gradual change could hold true for life as well.

Lyell and Hutton

Uniformitarianism: the idea that geological processes acting today acted in the past.

They studied rocks and thought that Geological features are explained by gradual mechanisms (a river carving a valley).

Applies because they thought that this gradual change could hold true for life as well.


Noted in his economic theory that human hardship is contributed to by the fact that more people are born than there are resources to support.

This leads to the concept of relative fitness.

Lyell and Hutton

Uniformitarianism: the idea that geological processes acting today acted in the past.

They studied rocks and thought that Geological features are explained by gradual mechanisms (a river carving a valley).

Applies because they thought that this gradual change could hold true for life as well.

Common descent

Species do change over time, and new species can arise. All species derive from a common ancestor

Vestigial structures

Useless or rudimentary version of a body part that has an important function in other, closely allied species. (Kiwi's nub wing or the human tail bone


Noted in his economic theory that human hardship is contributed to by the fact that more people are born than there are resources to support.

This leads to the concept of relative fitness.


The match of organisms' characteristics to the environment ion which they live can be explained by gradual change in the population over time. He said that things a parent did would pass down to their offspring (muscular father)

Voyage of the Beagle

Darwin was exposed to many examples of adaptation, geological patterns, and large-scale patterns of involving related organisms displaying dramatic biological diversity of morphology and life history

He noticed the beak sizes of all the birds

Found fossils of marine animals high in the Andes mountains

Two views on the history of life

Special Creation and Descent with modification

Special Creation

Species do not change

Lineages do not split

Each species is separately created

Each species is independently created

Earth and life are young

Descent with modification

Species change over time (micro evolution)

Lineages split and diverge (speciation)

New life forms derive from older forms (macro evolution)

All life-forms are related (common ancestors)

Earth and life are old

Static model

Species arise separately and do not change over time


Species arise separately and change over time in order to adapt to the changing environment

Separate types

Species change over time, and new species can arise but not from a common ancestor. Each group of species derives from a separate ancestor that arose independently

Lyell and Hutton

Uniformitarianism: the idea that geological processes acting today acted in the past.

They studied rocks and thought that Geological features are explained by gradual mechanisms (a river carving a valley).

Applies because they thought that this gradual change could hold true for life as well.

Common descent

Species do change over time, and new species can arise. All species derive from a common ancestor

Vestigial structures

Useless or rudimentary version of a body part that has an important function in other, closely allied species. (Kiwi's nub wing or the human tail bone)


The bones in the forelimbs are similar in some mammals. If they were created independently and separately, then it is not intuitive that the same bones would be used in these different structures.

Molecular homology is having the same molecular flaw in two species (the cheating on a test example)


Hypothesis: evolutionary novelties among species should form nested sets.

They accumulate mutations since they have no function

Helps estimate the number of mutations that have accumulated in the gene

We can estimate its age based on the number of mutations


Refers to large evolutionary change that occurs above the level of the population

How old is the earth?

Meteorites date to 4.6 billion years

Moon rocks date to about 4.53 billion years

What is Evolution

Changes across generations in the frequency of an allele. It acts on the phenotype of individual to the extent that the genotype of an individual is affected by the genotype or alleles of that individual, gene frequencies will change across generations


Refers to the genes (alleles) that an individual organism encodes (potential)


Refers to the physical manifestation of the genotype. Our genotype interacts with the environment to yield our phenotype

Darwin's Postulates

1. Individuals within adulation differ from one another (variation in phenotype)

2. The difference among individuals are passed-in-art from parents to offspring (variation is heritable)

3. In each generation more progeny are born than can survive and reproduce (differential survival)

4. Survival and reproduction is non-random with respect to phenotypic variation (differential success is attributable to certain alleles/ allele combinations)

-Over time, the population will change phenotypically-


Noted in his economic theory that human hardship is contributed to by the fact that more people are born than there are resources to support.

This leads to the concept of relative fitness.


Relative survival and reproduction of one variant.

Relates to the species' probability of survival to reproductive age (average number of survivors.

Natural selection exists if there is an average difference in reproductive success. (Individuals do not change. Populations change as a result of cold arithmetic.


Traits that increase individual fitness in an environment (individuals with adaptations for a particular environment are more likely to survive and reproduce

Darwin's inference

Natural selection causes evolution. (Favorable traits are inherited, unfavorable traits are lost)

Natural Selection since Darwin

Only traits present in the population can be acted upon.

The presence of one adaptation may cause another, less valuable one to be lost.

Results in the fit of an organism to the current environment.

Patterns of selection

Different environmental conditions can lead to different changes in populations

1. Directional selection: Changes in a population in a particular direction.

2. Stabilizing Selection: Population stabilizes; changes are resisted

3. Diversifying Selection: Changes in a population result in two or more variants.


The match of organisms' characteristics to the environment ion which they live can be explained by gradual change in the population over time. He said that things a parent did would pass down to their offspring (muscular father)

Voyage of the Beagle

Darwin was exposed to many examples of adaptation, geological patterns, and large-scale patterns of involving related organisms displaying dramatic biological diversity of morphology and life history

He noticed the beak sizes of all the birds

Found fossils of marine animals high in the Andes mountains

Two views on the history of life

Special Creation and Descent with modification

Special Creation

Species do not change

Lineages do not split

Each species is separately created

Each species is independently created

Earth and life are young

Descent with modification

Species change over time (micro evolution)

Lineages split and diverge (speciation)

New life forms derive from older forms (macro evolution)

All life-forms are related (common ancestors)

Earth and life are old

Static model

Species arise separately and do not change over time


Species arise separately and change over time in order to adapt to the changing environment

Separate types

Species change over time, and new species can arise but not from a common ancestor. Each group of species derives from a separate ancestor that arose independently

Th human life cycle

Growth and reproduction of an individual.

Gametes (produced by adults) fuse during fertilization to form a single-called zygotes.

Continued cell divisions form the embryo

What do genes (as segments of DNA) "code" for?



Analogous to words in an instruction manual for building a human.

Segments of DNA that code for proteins.

Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes (humans have 46 chromosomes)


Single, circular chromosomes


Single, circular chromosomes


Linear chromosomes


Analogous to pages in the instruction manual. Each "page" contains thousands of "words"

Different types of cells use different words in different orders.


Mistakes in copying DNA.

Result is a different version of genes called alleles

Homologous pairs

Equivalent chromosomes: pairs contain one chromosome received from each parent.

23 page copy from each parent

23 homologous pairs of chromosomes.


In meiosis, homologous separate from each other into different gametes. Gamete gets one copy of each page of the manual

Independent assortment

Homologous move into gametes, randomly and independently of other chromosomes (due to random alignment during metaphase 1)

Gregor Mendel

The first genetic scientist: accurately described simple rules of inheritance.

8 years with 29,000 pea plants to tend


Physical trait of an individual


Genetic composition of an individual: describes alleles


Carries 2 copies of the same allele


Carries 2 different alleles for a gene


The phenotype of an allele is seen only when homozygous


The phenotype is seen when homozygous or heterozygous

Law of Segregation

The factors that control a trait maintain a discrete identity when passed from parent to offspring

Dihybrid cross (two genes)

Mating crosses that involve 2 traits

Quantitative traits

Show continuous variation (larger range of phenotypes, eg.. Height, weight, intelligence)

Due to both genetic and environmental differences


A measure of how much variability there is in the population

Polygenic traits

Traits influenced by many genes.

Include quantitative traits, with continuous variation.

Interaction of multiple genes with multiple alleles results in many phenotypes (Example: human eye color)


Proportion of the variation within a population due to genetic differences among individuals

Natural experiments

Overlap of genes and environment is limited.

Ex. Twin studies.

(Monozygotic twins that share 100% of alleles)

(Dizygotic twins share 50% of alleles)

Heritability of IQ is 52%

Monozygotic twins separated at birth and raised in different homes have a heritability of IQ that is 72%