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Use UP and DOWN arrow keys to flip the card;
H to show hint;
A reads text to speech;
16 Cards in this Set
- Front
- Back
- 3rd side (hint)
مهارات التواصل |
Communication skills |
امانه |
Honesty |
العمل بروح الفريق الواحد |
Teamwork |
مهارات التعامل مع الآخرين |
Interpersonal skills |
أخلاقيات عمل قويه |
Strong work ethic |
تحفيز |
Motivation |
مرونه |
Flexibility |
مهارات تحليليه |
Analytical skills |
مهارات حاسب |
Computer skills |
مهارات تنظيم |
Organization skills |
مهارات اداره الوقت |
Time management skills |
مهارات التفكير الناقد وحل المشكلات |
Critical thinking and problem solving skills |
Following the same pattern |
Day after day,day in day out |
اتباع نفس النمط |
Very bored |
Bored to death |
سأموت من الضجر |
To convince to do something different |
Talk someone out of it |
للإقناع بعمل شيء مختلف |
Used to give an opinion that an event was positive |
Luckily |
لحسن الحظ |