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44 Cards in this Set

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Ancient Greece -

Ancient Greece

What is Greece made up of?

Many little islands and peninsulas

Why did this matter?

It made it hard for different islands to connect to each other

Early Greek history- the ? Lived on an islands called Crete around 3000 to 1100BCE


Why did the Minoan civilization decline?

Likely when invaders, Mycenaeans took over around 1400 BCE

What is the earliest form of written Greek? Significance?


No one has figured out the hundreds of symbols yet

What war took place between. 1194-1184 and marks the decline of Greek civilization?


The Trojan war also marked the beginning of ?

Dark ages

What is Trojan horse?

Legend says Greek soldiers hit in a giant wooden horse to sneak into city of Troy and conquer it

What two poems about Trojan horse?

Aeneid and odyssey

Sometime around 800 BCE (almost end of dark ages) what type of government developed?

City states began to form and written records reappeared

Why do we know so little about dark ages?

No written records during time

What Greek poet tells the story of the Trojan war? What book?

Homer- Iliad

By 700 BCE ? Was the city state where everything was happening


Who ruled Athens?

At first king and then Solon takes over and reforms economy and government

What era happened after solon rule?

Golden age of Greece- a period during which Athens grew richer from silver and trade and made important cultural achievements

The Greeks worshiped a family of gods and goddesses led by ? And. ? The king and queen of gods

Zeus and Hera (king and queen of gods)

They believed that different gods rules different areas of life. Such as ? War and ? Love and ? Sea

War- ares

Love- Aphrodite

Sea- Poseidon

The Greeks believed that the most powerful gods formed a family called the ?


Greeks worshipped at sacred sites called?


What began around 776 BCE as a festival for the olympians?

Olympic where athletic games were a way of honoring the Gods

? Was a Greek philosopher that taught people how to think and figure things out by asking questions

Socrates - Socratic method

What happened to Socrates? M

Made to drink poison

Who studied under Socrates and what did he do?

Plato- wrote a book called the republic and believed society should be divided into three groups- workers soldiers and philosophical rulers

Did Socrates and Plato record ideas?

Socrates didn’t write down anything and plato wrote down everything

? Studied under Plato


What did Aristotle (like Plato) believe?

People’s happiness was connected to their behavior

What was Aristotle very interested in?

Nature and he classified plants and animals in a scientific method used today

Aristotle formed his own school? Who did he tutor?


Alexander the Great

Three major Greek playwrights were?




In architecture what was built between 447 BCE and 432 BCE?


Who was it dedicated to??

Athena and the Athenians

Who was Hippocrates and why was he important?

He was a greek doctor who believed that diseases were caused naturally and not as a result of God or superstition

Doctors today still take Hippocrates oath

? Was one of the most influential leaders in Ancient Greece?


What did Pericles contribute to government reform??

City pays a salary to its officials and

Direct democracy- citizens could give their options on laws, war etc

Who was considered a citizen?

Only make Athenians with 2 anthenian parents

? And ? Were two major Greek city states in early Greece?

Athens and Sparta

How were they different?

Athenians wrote plays and made pottery and sold goods and they were prosperous at the cost of others

Sparta was prosperous in battle- believed that the city state became above the individual at all costs and they lived as a powerful war machine

What were slaves called?


In 431 they began fighting the Athenians in ? War and how long did it last??

Peloponnesian war - lasted for 27 years

King Phillip was king of? And he brought his son ? To be tutored by Aristotle



Philip was assassinated and Alexander took over at age of ? What did he conquer?


In 11 years he had conquered Persia Egypt and land beyond the Indus River

What did Alexander’s conquests spread? What did he become known as??

Greek culture over a large area

Alexander the Great

After Alexander’s death what happens to empire? What were the Kingdoms called??

Divided into three smaller kingdoms called Hellenistic kingdoms