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9 Cards in this Set

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Pork Barrel Spending

This is when members of Congress allocate the federal budget and move that money to special projects in their district or state. (Page 112)


This is when members of congress trade votes in order for their certain state or district to gain certain earmarks. This was banned in 2011. page 112


Congress authority to ensure that the executive branch and federal bureaucracies act legally and accordingly to the law and congressional goals Page 112


This is when states redraw boundaries after consensus are held and after apportionments are held. page 116


Where populations are unevenly distributed among then legislative districts. This pops up in Baker Vs Carr, where this was deemed unconstitutional and the Supreme Court overstepped boundaries. Also, it granted that only states have the right to their own redistricting. Page 118

House Rules Committee

This is a committee that its job is to decide when a bill will reach the senate and house floor, how long the debate will occur, and if amendments are allowed to be made. The members are chosen by the House Majority Speaker and their rules can impact if a bill will be passed or not Page 130


A tactic and power used by individual senators where they can talk and talk to delays a motion or votes on a certain bill on the house and senate floor. It is like this due to the principle of unlimited debate. Page 130

Office of Management and Budget (OMB)

Created to establish federal budgeting. This office exists within the executive branch and helps guide the president in setting national spending priorities Page 133

Entitlement Progress
