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12 Cards in this Set

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a drop in the ocean

a very small amount that will not have much effect

He cost of a hotel for one night is a drop in the ocean for a big company like that.

break even

if a person or buisness breaks even, they neither make a profit nor lose 💰

We didn't make a profit last year, but we did break even.

fall short

not reach a particular level or to fail to achieve something you were trying to do

We tried to raise 1,000 euros for charity, but we fell short by about 50 euros.


equal, or into two equal parts

We split the cost of the meal fifty-fifty.

go halves

share the cost of something with someone so that you each pay 50%

Let's go halves on the meal, shall we?

it's as broad as it's long

used for saying that you cannot choose between two things or actions because they are equal

It's as broad as it's long whether we get there on Saturday night or on Sunday morning.

keep up with the Joneses

try to be as rich, successful, etc as your neighbours

I don't need a new car, and I'm really not interested in keeping up with the Joneses.

knee-high to a grasshopper

very small, because you were very young

When I was knee-high to a grasshopper, I used to believe that a monster lived under my bed.

line your pocket(s)

obtain money, especially by acting dishonestly

He had been lining his pockets for years before he was finally caught.

lock, stock and barrel

including every part of a particular thing, situation, place, etc

They've sold all their possessions, lock, stock and barrel.

six of one (and) half a dozen of the other

used for saying that two things are equally good or bad

We could get there on Saturday night or Sunday morning: it's six of one and half a dozen of the other, really.

tidy sum/amount

large sum/amount

I've managed to put away a tidy sum this year.