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12 Cards in this Set

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Low oestrogen physical effects are

hot flushes = no sleep

Irregular menstrual cycle = less chance of conceiving

Low bone density = bones break easy

Ovulation stops = menstruation ends

What cognitive skills are in early adulthood

Increase expert knowledge = better decisions about important issues

Increase in abstract thinking = uni

Independence = manage finances

How can puberty effect emotional development in males

Low self esteem = acne

Embarrassment = voice change

Increase aggression = Increase testosterone

Mood swings = change in hormones

Principles of growth are

Measured using height and weight

Varies across different parts of the body

What are the principles of development

Acquisition of skills and abilities

Follows a sequence

What is nature

Inherited characteristic e.g eye colour

What is nuture

Environmental characteristics e.g weight

What are gross motor skills

Movements that include large muscle e.g running skipping and jumping

What are fine motor skills

Precise / small movements involving smaller movements ( hands wrists toes ) e.g writing picking up objects using scissors

What's is a schema

A schema stores information

Name and describe stages of schemas





Equilibrium is when the information matches an existing schema

Disequilibrium is when the information doesn't match what we understand

Assimilation is when the new information is understood

Accommodation is when the schema is updated / new schema is made

Name the life stages in order

Infancy ( 0-2 years )

Early childhood ( 3-8 years )

Adolescence ( 9-18 years )

Early adulthood ( 9-45 years )

Middle adulthood ( 46-65 years )

Later adulthood ( 65+)