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12 Cards in this Set

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What formula should you use to find the length of a segment?

The distance formula

How do you find the perimeter?

Find the length of each side. Add all the lengths to find the total.

How do you find the area?

Write the formula down. Find the length of each part, substitute into the formula. Evaluate.

What is the relationship between the base and height?

They are perpendicular

How do you prove parallel lines?

Show they have the same slope

How do you prove a parallelogram using slope?

Prove the opposite sides are parallel.

How do you prove a rectangle using slope?

Prove all four angles are right angles

How do you prove perpendicular Lines?

Show the product of the slopes are equal to –1

How do you prove right angles?

Show the product of the slopes of the sides equals –1

How do you prove a rhombus?

Prove the diagonals are perpendicular

How do you prove a square?

Prove that it is a rectangle and a rhombus

What are the three steps to a Coordinate proof?

1) Write down how to prove it.

2) Write what you think to be true, then prove it with math.

3) Write a mathematical statement summarizing the proof.