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20 Cards in this Set

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Refers to our sense of who we are a individuals and as member of social group


The society is already structured

People who are born into this strucked societies

Derive their identity

Identity Formation

Is a set of individual who views themselves as similar in a aspect or hold a common social idenrification

Social Category or Social Group

Who are similar to the self are labeled as "in Group"


Who are seen different from the self

Out Group

Generally refers to ones sense of who I am or what I am


Is an occentuation of the perceived similarities between the self and the in-group and perceived differences between self and the out Group

Self categorization

Is an occentuation of the perceived similarities between the self and the in-group and perceived differences between self and the out Group

Self categorization

Roots from the results of the self categorization process

*Once self composition is made it results in self enhancing out comes for the self

Social comparison

Changes that we undergo

*This state is called "identity crisis


It refers to the life long social experience by which people develop their human potential and learn the culture


Is comprised of patterns of behavior for end

Personality (Develops)

Are those people or groups that influence for self concept attitude, behavior.

Agents of socialization

Norms are attitude and behavior that are common to members or a particular group, these are what they perspective see and believe as normal

Norms and values

Is when a group of people those given that norms are unwritten


Is a role governing an individuals behavior

Social norms

Are those that are followed of what others might think or say

Personal norms

Are individuals beliefs that motivate people to set one way


This are values that the majority of all the people in the world subscribe to the life, health,love wellbeing, security

Universally valid values

These values given from the name it's freedom self realization

Values born from human rights