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30 Cards in this Set

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What is the max airspeed?

193 VNE

What is the max airspeed with doors open; sound proofing installed; sound proofing not installed.

100;145 KIAS

What is the max airspeed with the crew chief window open?

170 KIAS

What is the max airspeed with skis installed?

155 KIAS

What is the max airspeed with the landing light; fully extended; while extended?

180; 130 KIAS

What is the max airspeed with the search light; fully extended; while extended?

180; 100 KIAS

What are the slope limitations with skis?

10 degrees, further reduced by 2 degrees for every 5 KIAS of wind above 12 KIAS.

What is the slope limitation without skis?

15 degrees, further reduced by 2 degrees for every 5 KIAS of wind.

What 3 things induce dynamic roll over?

Pivot point, rolling motion, exceedence of critical angle.


What is the nose down slope limitation?

6 degrees

When can you not perform a nose down slope?

When the tail wind is greater than 15 KIAS.

How much weight can be put on the cabin floor per square foot?


What is the limitation for the 17 tie down fittings on the cabin floor?

5000 lbs

What is the loading limit in the cargo area above the fuel cells, and what is the cargo net limited to?

125lbs; 1000lbs

What is the limit for the tie down fittings in the inside the aircraft by the cargo doors? What is the note associated with those fittings i.e. what are they further limited to?

3500 lbs; 1350lbs

What are the G forces applies in the forward, aft, vertical, and lateral directions?

FWRD: 12g

AFT: 3g



What are the 6 appropriate common standards?

Do not exceed aircraft limitations.

Adhere to aircrew coordination

Drift limits 3ft IGE 10ft OGE

Altitude limits +\- 3ft IGE +\- 5ft OGE

Maintain airspace surveillance

Apply environmental considerations

Can you store things under the seats?


When do you perform a fuel check?

Within 10 minutes of entering mission profile or straight and level flight.

How many lbs of a burn rate must you be within another crew member?

50 lbs

According to the -10, what are the emergency exits?

Pilot windows and the cabin door windows.

According to the -10, what are the emergency equipment installed on the aircraft.

1 crash axe

2 fire extinguishers

3 first aide kits

For rotary wing crew members, what are the 6 required ALSE items?

Knife, first aide kit, fire starter, signaling device, extraction device, radio.

What are your flying hour requirements?

Traditional guardsmen: 12hr semi-annual

Full time: 24hrs semi-annual

10 hrs NVG

After how many days have elapsed do you require a PFE? Refresher?

60 days; 180 days

Same for day and NVG.

What publication supersedes all other publications?

AR 95-1

What does APART stand for? When are you in your APART window?

Annual proficiency and readiness test; 2 months prior to your birth month.

What MUST be signed prior to flying?

7120 (CTL)

When are you required to sign your 7120?

At the beginning of your ATP year, first day after the end of your birth month. 6 months after your birth month. And the end of your ATP year.

When are you required to sign your 7122?

When you have completed an evaluated task, RL Progression, APART completion, test examinations.

7122 is your training record.