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75 Cards in this Set

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Price support

Government would buy surplus crop at guaranteed prices an sell then on the world market

Dow Jones industrial Ave.

Widley used barometer to check the stock markets health showing 30 representative large firms trading in the ny stock exchange


Buy stocks and bonds on the chance of a quick profit, while ignoring the risks

Buying on margin

Paying a small percentage of a stocks price as a down payment and borrowing the rest


A budget is a financial plan for a defined period of a year

Black tuesday

Dumped 16.4 million shares seen everyone kept trying to sale then, people couldn't find buyers, and people who bought with credit are in debt, and other lost most of their savings.

Bull market

a market in which share prices are rising, encouraging buying.

Bear market

a market in which share prices are lowering, discouraging buying.

Hawley-smoot tariff

Highest protective tariff in US history


Little towns consisting of shacks

Dust bowl

Tons of dust picked up off farms and destroying many peoples lives

Uneven distribution

Rich got richer and poor got poorer


An arrangement in which consumers agreed to buy now pay later

Great depression

Period from 1929-1940 where economy plummeted and unemployment skyrocketed.

Bank and buisness failures

People rushed to banks and tried to all withdraw so all the banks failed. Output of goods where cut in half.

Depression causes

- tarrif and war debt polices that cut down the foreign market for the American goods

- a crisis in the farm sector

- the availability of easy credit

- an unequal distribution of income

Soup kitchen bread lines

People waiting in line to receive food from charities or public agencies

Direct relief

Cash payments or food provided by the government to the poor

Wild boys

Teenagers leaving life of poverty on to freight trains to look for work

Hoover reassurance

Said Americans need to be optimistic and go about buisness as usual

Boulder Dam

A dam that was 726ft high providing electricity and flood control and water supply for agriculture

1930 congressional election

Harder for Hoover to get votes across since they voted for Democrats

Federal home loan bank act

Lowered mortgage rates for homeowners and allowed farmers to refinance their farm loans and avoid foreclosure

Reconstruction Finace corporation

Authorized up to 2$ billion for emergency financing for banks, life insurance companies, railroads, and other large businesses

Bonus army

WW1 vets wanting their bonus for serving but Hoover overreacts and killed some of them


Helped raised the hopes of the American people and sparked great enthusiasm for FDR

Amendment 20

Moved presidential inauguration to January

New Deal

Program designed to alleviate the problems of the great depression

100 days

Congress passed more than 15 major pieces of new deal legislation

Fireside chats

FDR radio talks about issues of public concern explaining clearly the New Deal

Glass Steagal Act

Created the FDIC providing federal insurance for bank accounts of up to 5,000 reassuring customers their money was safe.

Federal Securities act

Required corporations to provide complete information on all stock offerings and made them liable for any misrepresentations

Securities and exchange commission (SEC)

Created to regulate the stock market. Prevent use of inside information

Agricultural adjustment act (AAA)

Raised crop prices and lowered production

Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)

Put young men aged 18-25 to work building roads, developing parks, planting trees, and helping soil-eroision and flood control projects. Allowing them to making money for their families

National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA)

Created by the PWA provided money to states to create jobs to construct schools and other community buildings, but didn't make a dent in unemployment

Civil works Administration

When the NIRA sucked it provided 4 million jobs to build same stuff


Creatied by NIRA setting prices of many products and esablished standards. But didn't make the cut

Home owners loan corporations (HOLC)

Provided government loans to homeowners which faced forclosures because they couldn't meet loan requirements

Federal Housing Administration

Agency that furnishs loans for home mortages and repairs today

Federal emergency relief administration

Funded with 500million to provide direct relief to needy

Deficit spending

Spending more money than the government relieves in revenue

Liberal (left)

Argued that the new deal didn't go far enough

Conservatives (right)

Believed that FDR did to much

Court reform deal

FDR wanted there to be 6 new justices

Amercan liberty league

Believed the new deal violated respect for the rights of individuals and property

Charles Coughlin

Radio talker opposing New Deal

Dr. Francis Townsend

Physician who believed that rosevelt wasn't doing enough

Huey Long

Wanting more of a communist society

Dorthea Lange

Photographer who photographed American Life during the great depression

2nd 200 days

Wanted to build on the programs of the first 100 days

Eleanor rosevelt

FDRs wife who helped persuade FDR on her humatsiran beliefs

Soil Conservation and domestic allotment act

Paid farmers for cutting production of soil depleting crops and rewarded farmers for practicejng good soil Conservation methods

Works progress Administration

Set up as many jobs as possible asap

National youth administration

Provided education, jobs, conseling, and recreation for young people

Wagner act

Reestablished the NIRA provision for collective bargaining allowing for unions to be formed and engage in collective bargaining

Fair labor standards act

Set max hours at 40hrs per week min. wage of 40¢ an hour

Social security act

Insurance for retirees of 65yrs and spouse. Unemployment compensation. Aid to family's with dependent children and disabled

Rural Electrification Administration

Financed and worked with electrical cooperatives to bring electricty to rural areas.

Pedro J. González

Used radio to condem discrimination against Mexicans

Frances Perkins

First female cabinet memebrt creating the SSS and supervised labor legislation

Mary McLeod Bethune

Educator who was dedicated to promote opportunities for young African americans

Division of negro affairs of the national youth Administration

Created by Bethune insure hiring of blacks

John Collier

Commissioner of Indian affairs helping reorganize their reservations

New deal coalition

Alignment of diverse groups dedicated to supporting the Democratic party.

Congress of industrial organization

Name change of the union groups

Gone with the wind and etc.

Film like many others created to escape the hardships

Orson Welles

Actor, director, producer, and writer who was very popular

Grant Wood

Showed art of lives during the depression

Richard Wright

African American author who wrote about discrimination in America

John steinbeck through grapes of wrath

Showed the tough life of Okies during the dust bowl


Regulate bank investment activities

National Labor Relations board

Created under Wagner act, acts as a mediator in-between laborers and employers

Parity price

Price intended to keep farmers income steady

Tennessee Valley Authority

Harnessed water power to generate electricty and to help prevent disastaurous floods in Tennessee Valley