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101 Cards in this Set

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What is another name for the intestinal roundworm? How is it obtained?
Ascaris; through contaminated vegetation
What is the rectal roundworm's name, and how is it obtained?
Pinworm; through ingestion of eggs
What worm lives in the intestine and feeds on human blood, and where is it most commonly obtained?
Hookworms; through the foot
Which worm is the one which painfully requires to be removed around a twisted stick, and how is it obtained?
Guinea worm; through contaminated water
Which nematoda causes huge swelling of appendages, and how it it obtained?
Wucheria Bancrofti (settles in the lymph nodes); through infected mosquitos
Which nematoda is caused by eating undercooked pork, and how is it obtained?
Trichinella; through eating cysts
The simplest animals in the world are...
The arrangement of body parts around a central point or line is called...
Animals that can be divided into smaller halves by any plane passing through the longitudinal axis are said to have...
Radial symmetry
Cnidarians (jellyfish) and echinoderms (sand dollars) are some examples of...
Animals with radial symmetry
Which two types of symmetry do sponges have?
Radial or are asymmetric
Vertebraes belong to the phylum...
What percent of all animals belong to the phylum chordata?
The head end of an animal is called the... While the tail end is the...
Anterior; posterior
Having a head with sense organs and neural tissue is called...
Metamerism means...
For what do sponges use water currents? (3)
To obtain oxygen and food, and rid of wastes
The outer layer of a sponge is made up of...
Epidermal cells
The middle layer of a sponge is __________ and contains...
Gelatinous; amebocytes
The inner layer of a sponge is made up of...
Flagellated collar cells
What are the 3 functions of amebocytes in sponges?
They secret the sponge's skeleton, digest the sponge's food, and make the reproductive cells
What, in the sponge, allow a water current to form?
The Flagella located on the collar cells
Sponge skeletons, which are secreted by the amebocytes, are made up of...
Calcium or silicon spicules
T/F: All sponges are multicellular
T/F: Sponges are eukaryotic
Sponges do not have true _______, and are on the ________ level of development.
Tissues; cellular
A group of amebocytes w/ a protective covering that help a sponge survive adverse conditions is called...
A gemmule
Water enters the sponge through the __ and exits through the __.
Incurrent pore (ostium) and exits through the osculum
The spongocoel is the...
Large, hollow cavity in the sponge
Regeneration, fragmentation, budding, and gemmules are all ways...
Sponges reproduce asexually
T/F: Are sponges are hermaphrodytes
Sexual reproduction in sponges results in __ __, which will eventually land on something which it will attach and grow.
Free-swimming larvae
An animal that cannot move is said to be __, while an animal that can move is said to be __.
Sessile; motile
The other word for the phylum Cnidaria is...
Jellyfish, sea anemones, hydra, and coral all belong to the phylum...
About how many species of Cnidarians are there?
Cnidarians have _ symmetry.
The one body opening of a Cnidarian is called its...
A Cnidarian's mouth is surrounded by __, which contain stinging cells called...
Tentacles; nematocysts
The central cavity of a Cnidarian is called its...
Gastrovascular cavity
Sponges do not have a nerve system, but Cnidarians have a very primitive nerve system called a...
Nerve net
Cnidarians and sponges do not have _ or _ systems.
Excretory or respiratory
Polyps reproduce _ while medusa reproduce _.
Asexually, sexually
Polyps are _ and medusa (like jellyfish) are...
Sessile; motile
T/F: All vertebrates have bilateral symmetry
T/F: Sponges have organs
Calcium, silicon spicules, and proteinaceous fibers are all things which...
The skeleton of a sponge can be made of
T/F: Most sponges are marine
The fluid in the middle layer of a sponge is called the _ and the base of a sponge is called _.
Mesohyl; the basal disc (holdfast)
T/F: Gemmules are usually produced by freshwater sponges
Cnidocyte is another name for...
Nematocysts (stinging cells)
T/F: Most Cnidarians have no brain, but a primitive nervous system called a nerve net
Flatworms belong to the phylum..
The 3 classes included in the phylum Platyhelminthes are...
Turbellaria (planaria, free-living); Trematoda (flukes, parasites); and Cestoda (Tapeworms, parasites)
T/F: Most flatworms have one body opening
Flatworms do not have a hollow body cavity called a...
The light-sensing organs found on planaria are called... Where do they move the worm?
Eyespots; they move the worm away from light
Which organ to planaria use to detect odors?
T/F: Most Flukes have a complex life cycle involving at least two hosts
The 3 hosts of the human liver fluke are...
Snails, fish, and humans
The human liver Flukes cause a disease called __, which is 20-30 times more prevelant than cancer
The two hosts of the human blood Fluke are...
Humans and snails
Where to tapeworms live?
The digestive tract
The anterior end of a tapeworm (class Cestoda) is called its...
The segments of a tapeworm are called its...
When people get tapeworms by eating undercooked meat that contains cysts, what are these cysts called?
Bladder worms
Cow eats grass w/ eggs -> larvae burrow thru intestine to muscle & become b. worms -> man eats undercooked beef -> egg-feces
The life cycle of a Tapeworm
The second most common type of intestinal roundworm is...
Adult Ascaris live in the _ and feed on _.
Intestine; partially digested food
Con. vege -> eggs to larvae in stomach -> intestine into veins -> up trachea into throat -> grows in adult intestine
The life cycle of Ascaris
The most common parasitic nematode is a...
Pinworms live in a person's rectum and feed on...
Fecal matter
Ingest eggs -> hatch/mature in small intes. -> large intestine -> mate -> females lay eggs in person's anus
Life cycle of a Pinworm
Hookworms live in the _ and feed on _.
Intestine; blood
Egg poop -> larvae -> thru foot -> thru blood vessels -> up trachea into throat -> into intestine where they grow and feed on blood
Crustacean water -> larvae in belly -> small intes. -> connective tissue -> skin (3ft) -> discharges thru skin opening, usually in water
The life cycle of a Guinea worm
Wuhceria Bancrofit causes the disease...
Larve to blood thru mosquito -> lymphs -> clog system causing swelling of appendages
Life cycle of Wucheria Bancrofti
Trichinella causes...
eat undercooked pig w/ cysts -> eggs hatch in intestine -> adults prod. larvae -> migrate thru body and form cysts in body tissues
The life cycle of a Trichinella (symptoms are stomach ache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, rash, muscle aches, death, sw.)
The nose of an earthworm is called a....
The 5 hearts of an earth worm are called its...
Aortic arches
The organ in an earthworm used to store food is the _; and the one used to grind up the food is the _.
Crop; gizzard
Earthworms have a true body cavity called a...
The brain of a planarian is called its...
How many species are there in phylum platyhelminthes?
Which class is the only type of segmented Playhelminthes?
When an organism has an anterior ganglia with longitudinal nerve cords connected by transverse nerves it is called..
A nerve ladder
T/F: Planarians are aquatic or live in most soil, and are the worms with the crazy ability to reproduce
T/F: Platyhelminthes have bilateral symmetry
What 2 types of parasites can flukes by?
Endo and ecto
Which type of Platyhelminthes class has a body covered with thick cuticle, and no cilia?
A disease in which the eggs harbor in blood vessels causing blockage is called...
Cysticercosis is...
When tapeworms get in the brains of humans
The head of a tapeworm is called its __, and on it we can find....
Scolex; hooks and suckers
The segments of a tapeworm are called...
How many species are there in phylum nematoda?
T/F: Nematoda have two body openings (alimentary)
Which type of nematoda can cause anemia due to blood loss?
Hookworms; duh
T/F: In the Phylum Annelida, all organ systems are present
What is an example of a species from the phylum Annelida besides earthworms?