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42 Cards in this Set

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What are the best diagnostic signs and symptoms of Bermudagrass Decline/

Take-All Root Rot (BD/TRR)?

Stolons and roots dark (lesions) in color. Foliar symptom: chlorosis form the tip down, Absence of root hairs, darkening of stele and sloughing of root cortex

Is BD/TRR pathogen a spore-former or a non-spore-former?

Spore forming

How does the pathogen infect turfgrass plants? What kills plants infected

with the BD/TRR pathogen?

Infects new roots at high temperatures, colonizes root cortex and vascular system

What species of turfgrasses are susceptible? (BD/TRR)

Bermudagrass, St. Augustinegrass, centipedegrass

What effects do nutrients such as N, P & K have on the disease? (BD/TRR)

Promotes optimum root growth

What environmental conditions are required for BD/TRR to develop?

>85F, wet conditions, mid summer-early fall, most severe when mowing height is low, pH is high, thatch is thick, and bad compaction

What species of turfgrass are resistant or immune to BD/TRR?

No bermudagrass cultivars, Zoysiagrass somewhat resistant

What turf nutrients suppress BD/TRR?

N,P,K, Mn, Zn

In what ways can the environment and turfgrass be manipulated to suppress BD/TRR?

Decrease shade, increase air circulation, reduce pH, thin thatch

Name a fungicide that will control BD/TRR?

Heritage, T-Storm

During what season(s) are preventive applications of BD/TRR fungicides

applied in GA?

Begin applications about 3-4 wks after spring

green-up. Continue at 3-4 wk intervals.

Is summer patch spore forming?


which turf species are susceptible to summer patch?

Kentucky Bluegrass, fine fescues, creeping bent grass

What are the distinct diagnosis symptoms of summer patch?

Dark brown to black roots, hyphae on root surface, foliar symptoms: leave turns yellow from tip downward

Environmental conditions that favor summer patch?

turf that is heat stressed, near roads or sidewalks,

Resistant species to summer patch?

All warm season grasses, ryegrass, tall fescue

Cultural control methods for summer patch?

Increase mowing, reduce thatch, increase aeration, irrigate longer and less frequently, apply N in fall and early winter for root development, use ammonium sulfate as nitrogen source to drop pH

What are chemical controls for summer patch?

azoxystrobin, fenarimol, triadimefon, thiophanate-methyl, Prevention spray starts in May

Distinct diagnosis symptoms for Fairy ring?

Thick layer of mycelium between thatch and soil, Mycellial strands present at bottom of thatch layer, puff ball fruiting structures (type 3)

Chemical management for fairy ring?

Soil sterilization with methyl bromide, fungicide application of bayleton, heritage, prostar, triadimefon

Cultural methods of managing fairy ring?

three options

-drench fairy ring with water 4-6 weeks

-Remove infected soil and replace with new soil

-Remove infected sod, mix with various fairy ring mycelium to have antagonism and replant

Resistant cultivars for fairy ring?


Symptoms of type 1 fairy ring/ killing ring?

Bare arcs or rings ranging from inches to feet across, Dark green grass surrounding dead zone caused by fairy ring

Symptoms of type 2 fairy ring/stimulated ring?

dark green/black rings, stimulated turf, can turn into type 1 rings

Symptoms of type 3 fairy ring. ring of mushrooms?

Fruiting puff ball structure present above ground in a circle or arc

What environmental conditions favor fairy ring?

Soils high in OM, abundant soil moisture in spring and fall followed by dry period in summer

Susceptible species of grasses to fairy ring?

all warm and cool season grasses

Chemical control of Pythium root rot/dysfunction?

contact-koban, segway

localized- insignia

susceptible species for pythium root rot?

All turf grasses, cool season more susceptible (creeping bentgrass)

Cultural methods to manage pythium root rot?

control nematodes, avoid high N application in spring, improve aeration, decrease shade

Key diagnostic symptoms for pythium root rot?

Root tip stunting and degradation , no discoloration, thinning, irregular pattern, leaf die back from tip down

Favorable conditions for pythium root rot?

High water content in root zone, low oxygen, wide range of suitable temperatures

Is pythium root rot spore forming? what spores are present?

Yes, oospores in dead tissue, thatch, or soil to overwinter.

Sporangia contain swimming zoospores

Hyphae or zoospores inoculate

Symptoms of nematodes?

irregular to round patches, chlorosis, yellowing, decline in growth, turf thinning, other infections, shallow root systems

Environmental conditions favorable for nematodes

hot weather, drought, stressed, low fertile turf

Ways nematodes spread

moved by machinery, water, wind, transplants, people

Sting nematodes

most widespread, destructive, introduced by infected sod, damage sandy soils, attach young plants, reproduce sexually

Lance nematodes

threshold level: 100 per soil sample

Ring nematode

Threshold: 500 in St. Augustine, 150 in Centipede

Controlling nematodes

soil test, avoidance (planting non infected plant material), maintain optimal fertility (reduce succulent root growth), deep non frequent irrigation, compaction and aeration-tolerance

susceptible species of turf to nematodes

Ring nematode- centipede grass

Cyst-St. Augustine

No nematicides available

Modern nematicides

nortica, econem, multiguard protect, avid