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5 Cards in this Set

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What is the 4 step body language critical thinking process?


SUSPEND judgment and be more descriptive

Take in the CONTEXT

ASK “what else?”

Form a NEW judgement and test it

Suspending judgement means?

You get an instinct about what is going on in a situation and rather than running with it, you suspend judgement by employing mindfulness in the moment, stepping back and fully all the details this engages your critical thinking and moves you away from knee jerk reactions


Where are you? When? Who else is there? What is the situation? What is the back ground? What are the conditions?

Ask what else?

Think wider and deeper about other contexts? Consider details and “what if?” possibilities by asking what else you know or can bring to bear on the situation

Form new judgment and test?

Refine and replace initial judgment made with more informed theory of mind.