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8 Cards in this Set

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Reactive attachment Dx

Before age 5!

A) emotionally withdrawn from adult caregivers 1.doesnt seek comfort 2. Doesn’t respond to comfort

B) social/emotional disturbance (need 2) 1. Minimal response to other 2. No affect 3. Unexplained sad/anger/fear

C) pattern of lack or inconsistent care (need 1) 1. Social neglect 2. Changes in care 3. Unusual setting (institutes)

Disinhibited social engagement dx

Travers and no regard to safety

A) child approaches all adults (needs 2) 1. Absent fear when approaching other 2) overly familiar 3) no safety awareness when left 4) will go off with another adult

B) not from impulsive adhd

C) due to extreme inconsistencies in care


-older than 6

-1 month!

A) exposure to threat or death, injury or sexual violence in one or more of the following

1.direct experience


3. Learned happen to close family or friends

4. Repeated expose (first responser)

B) intrusive sx (one or more)

1) memories

2) dreams

3) flashbacks

C) avoid of stimuli through thoughts, places, activities,

D) Change in mood or cognitions

E) changes in arousal and reactivity (need 2)

-irritable, reckless, exaggeration, lack of concentration, sleep

Acute Stress Dx

-3 days to 1 month

A)same expose to PTSD

B) has 9 or more from the follow 5 categories: intrusion, neg mood, dissociation, avoid, arousal

Adjustment dx

A)Emotional or behavioral sx I’m response to stressor

-within 3 months of stressor

B) symptoms/behaviors are significant

1)out of proportion to severity

2)impairment to social/ occupation

Reactive attachment dx treatment

Family therapy, dyadic therapy, trauma focused CBT,

Disinhibited social engagement treatment

Interpersonal, expressive, play, psychoed

PTSD treatment

Trauma CBT, exposure therapy, cognitive process, EMDR, antidepressants

Acute- CBT trauma, exposure, cognitive restructuring, psyched