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79 Cards in this Set

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it needs to move molecules over long distances, much more than animals do


also knows as “food synthesized by leaves”


product of photosynthesis

it’s also have to be moved to all parts including the root tips embedded deep inside the soil


2 parts of Vascular System or Plumbing System

1. Xylem

2. Phloem

when photosynthates move downward to root tip (leaves to other parts)

Phloem — downward conduction

root tip absorbs water and other mineral upward (roots to leaves)

Xylem — upward conduction

2 types of Meristem

1. Lateral Meristem

2. Apical Meristem

facilitate growth and thickness / width in a maturing plant

a. Lateral Meristem

b. Apical Meristem

a. Lateral Meristem

contain meristematic tissue; enables a plant to extend in length

a. Lateral Meristem

b. Apical Meristem

b. Apical Meristem

transport of substances from one part to another part within plant body


over small distances, adjacent cells takes place by _______


over long distances, a molecule or ion is moved across the cell membrane through _______

Vascular System (Xylem and Phloem)

in rooted plants, transport in xylem is ______ (roots to stems)

Unidirectional / One direction

yung banda ni Zayn dati 😭

exported to other parts of the plant including storage organs

Organic Compound

Glucose (C6H12O6) is an example of?

a. Organic matter

b. Organ

c. Organic Compound

c. Organic Compound

what is the storage organ in plants?

a. Vacuole

b. Lysosome

c. Ribosome

a. Vacuole

transported upwards

Mineral Nutrients

when nutrients will be withdrawn from that part and moved to growing plants


— katunog ng “Evanescence”

— pagtanda

cell membrane has ______ bilayer



parts of phospholipid

1. Head-end

2. Tail-end

hydrophilic, hydro-loving, and soluble


hydrophobic, hydro-fearing, and not soluble


building block of skin, muscles and bones, tendons and filaments, and other connective tissues


protein substance; most abundant protein in the body


“spreading of molecules”


refers to the act or the means by which a molecule or ion is moved across the cell membrane or via the bloodstream


help the substances move against concentration gradient and is energy dependent process

Special Proteins

2 types of special protein

1. Transport protein

2. Channel protein

- high concentration to low concentration

- random movement of particles

- passive process (no use of energy)


factors affecting diffusion

1. Concentration gradient

2. Permeability of membrane

3. Temperature and Pressure

- non-polar substances diffuse through membrane

- polar substances move with help of special proteins

what process is it?

Facilitated Diffusion

- one of the passive transport

- energy is supplied by ATP

- selective in nature

- sensitive to inhibitors

Facilitated Diffusion

3 types of transport molecules

1. Symports

2. Antiports

3. Uniport

transports one solute at a time

(single molecule)

a. Antiport

b. Symport

c. Uniport

c. Uniport

transports the solute in (or out) and the co-transported solute the opposite direction

(two different molecules)

a. Antiport

b. Symport

c. Uniport

a. Antiport

transports the solute and a co-transported solute at the same direction

(two different molecules)

a. Antiport

b. Symport

c. Uniport

b. Symport

example: transport of glucose to the RBC

identify what type of transport


example: exchange of CI- for HCO3 in the RBC

identify what type of transport


example: transport or Na+ and Glucose to the intestinal mucosal cell from the gut

identify what type pf transport


requires energy; carried out by membrane proteins

Active transport

used against a concentration gradient; in case of active transport

Energy pumps

are proteins which use energy to carry substances across the cell membrane


the potential energy of water molecules

Water potential

high solute concentration = _____ water potential


low solute concentration = _____ water potential


the pressure exerted by a fluid at equilibrium at any point of time due to the force of gravity

Hydrostatic pressure

used to predict the movement of water in and out of plant cells

Water potential

2 components of water potential

1. Solute potential (Osmotic)

2. Pressure potential (Turgor)

formula of water potential

W = Ws + Wp

the free energy per unit mole of water

Water potential

the magnitude of lowering of water potential

Solute potential

solute potentials are always ____

negative (-)

all solutions have a lower water potential because of the dissolved solutes

True or False


the sum of all pressure on water

Pressure potential

forced caused by cell membrane pushing against cell wall

what type of pressure?

Turgor pressure

2 types of pressure potential

1. Turgor pressure

2. Wall pressure

an equal and opposite force exerted by cell wall

counteracts the movement of water due to osmosis

what type of pressure?

Wall pressure

units of pressure

1. MPa

2. Bars

other pressures:

a. cohesion

b. atmospheric

c. stem

d. tension

what does not belong to the group?

c. stem

(supposed to be: root)

also called turgor potential or turgor pressure

Pressure potential

- it may be positive or negative

- hydrostatic pressure to which water in a liquid phase is subjected

Wall pressure or Turgor pressur

MPa stands for…?


1 MPa = 100 bar

True or False


(1 MPa = 10 bars)

solvent and solute particles move to equalize concentration in Osmosis

True or False


(in Diffusion)

(in Osmosis, only solvent particles move. solute particles do not move)

there’s no semipermeable membrane involved in Diffusion

True or False


(in Osmosis, the movement is through semipermeable membrane)

Diffusion and Osmosis similarly equalize the concentration of two solutions

True or False


the process in plant cells where the plasma membrane pulls away from the cell wall due to the loss of water through osmosis


the shrinking of protoplasm away from the cell wall of a plant cell


Plasmolysis classified on the basis of osmotic pressure and concentration gradient

True or False


it is also a passive transport and the outward diffusion of water


classifications of plasmolysis

1. Hypertonic solution

2. Hypotonic solution

3. Isotonic solution

it is the complete collapse of the cell wall due to further plasmolysis in the cell


when water is transported out from the cell, solute concentration inside the cell is lower

what type of solution?

Hypertonic solution

when water is transported into the cell, solute concentration inside the cell is higher

what type of solution?

Hypotonic solution

amount of water transported into the cell equal to the amount of water transported out from the cell

solute concentration inside the cell is equal to the solution outside the cell

what type of solution?

Isotonic solution

a solution that has (less than) < 0.9% saline solution

Hypotonic solution

a solution that has (more than) > 0.9% saline solution

Hypertonic solution

a solution that has 0.9% NSS (Normal Saline Solution)

Isotonic solution

when water is absorbed by solids (colloids), resulting in an enormous increase in volume
