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80 Cards in this Set

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Transfers amino acids from the cytoplasmic pool to a growing polypeptide in a ribosome


T or f

Each trna molecule doesnt translates a given mrba codon to an amino acid


The trna molecule is _______ long

80 nucleotides

The trna molecule can fold into a _____ shape

3 dimensional

The trna molecule is ______ shaped and shaped like the letter_____


Particular nucleotide triplet that base pairs to a specific mrna codon


Attachment site for an amino acid in trna


Correct matching up of trna and amino acid is carried out by

Aminoacyl trna synthases

How many aminoacyl trna synthases are there?

20 for each amino acid

Hydrolysis of what molecule catalyzes the covalent attachement of the amino acid to the trna (energy currency of the cell)


The resulting trna is called

Charged trna

2 instances of the accurate translation of a genetic message

1) trna carries the amino acid to the ribosome

2) pairing of the trna anticodon with the appropriate mrna codon

How many trna are there?


Flexibility of the base pairing at the codon position


Facilitate specific coupling og trna codons with mrna codons during protein synthesis (site of protein synthesis)


Ribosome consists of a

Large and a small subunit

Each ribosome is made up of

Protein and rRNA

Where ribosomes are manufactured


Completed ribosomes are exported via

Nuclear pores

_____ of the ribosome is protein


T or f

Eukaryotic ribosomes is smaller than prokaryotic ribosome


Combats bacterial infections

Tetracyclin steptomycin

Holds the trna carryung polypeptide chain

Peptidyl trna binding site

Holds the trna carrying the next amino acid to be added

Aminoacyl trna binding site

Discharged trnas leave the ribosome from here

Exit site

T or false

The ribosome catalyzes the peptide bond of the polypeptide


Where the polypeptide exits from the large subunit

Exit tunnel

Responsible for structure and function of ribosome


Main constituent of the a and p sites


Stages of the synthesis of polypeptide chain




Energy of polypeptide formatiom is supplied by

Guanosine triphosphate

The union of mRNA, initiator trna , and snall ribosomal unit attached to the large one is

Trabslation initiation complex

Proteins that are required to bring the translation initiation complex together

Initiation factors

How many molecules of gtp are needed to form the initiation complex?


Polypeptide is always synthesized in one direction... from ______ end to ______

N terminus; c terminus

Amino acids are added one by one to the previous amino acid at the c terminus of the growing chain during what stage of the translation

Elongation stage of translation

Each addition of amino acids involves the participatuon of several proteins called

Elongation factors

3 step elongation cycle of translocation

Codon recognition

Peptide bond formation


Hydrolysis of gtp increases accuracy of _____

Codon recognition

Rrna molecules of the large subunit catalyzed the ____

Peptide bond formation

Thee trna molecule is released during _____ in elongation of the translation


Energy expenditure happens during ____ and _____ in elongation of translation


Mrna is moved through the ribosome in one direction ____ first. Always______

5'; 5'🔜3'

The elongation cycle takes _____ of a second in bacteria


Final stage of translation


Protein shaped like aminoacy trna synthase binds at the a site

Release factor

Release factor cayses the addition of _____ molecuke instead of amino acid to the polypeptide chains


Breakdown of translation requires ___ molecules of gtp molecules


Gene determines what structure of the protein

Primary structure (sequence of amino acids)

Helps the polypeptide fold correctly


Required before the protein can begin its job in the cell

Post-translational modifications

Two populations of ribosomes

Free and bound

Bound ribosomes are attached to the

Rough endoplasmic reticulum

Bound ribosomes make proteins for the _________

Endomembrane system

Targets the protein to the ER

Signal protein

A sequence of about 20 amino acids at or near the leading syrand (n terminus) of the polypeptide, is recognized as it emerges from the ribosome by a protein rna complex

Signal recognition particle

The growing polypeptide snakes acriss the membranr into the er lumen via a ______

Protein pore

Strings of ribosomes


Changes in the genetic information of the cell


Source of new genes


Large scale mutations

Chromosomal rearrangements

Changes in single nucleotide pair of a gene

Point mutations

If the mutation has an adverse effect on the phenotype of the person, the mutant condition is referred to as a ______

Genetic disorder or hereditary disease

Sickle cell disease to the mutation of a single nucleotide pair in the gene that encodes for the ________ of the hemoglobin

Beta globin

Normal amino acid to abnormal amino acid of the beta globin

Glutamine to valine

Type of small scale mutation in which the replacement of one nucleotide and its partner with another pair of nucleotides.

Nucleotide pair substitution

A change in a nucleotide pair may transform one codon into another that s translated to the same amino acid

Silent mutation

Substitutions that change one amino acid to the other

Missense mutations

Point mutation can also chanhe a codon for an amino acid to a stop codon

Nonsense mutation

Causes translatiin to be terminated prematurely

Nonsense mutations

Nonsense mutations lead to ______

Nonfunctional proteins

Additions or losses of nucleotide pairs in a gene

Insertions and deletions

Alter the reading frame of the genetic message, the Triplet grouping of nucleotides on the mrna that is read during translation

Franeshift mutation

Errors during dna replication or recombination can lead to

-Nucleotide pair substitutions



-Mutations affecting longer strands of DNA

The incorrect base will be used as a template in the next roune of replication, resulting in a mutation this is called ______

Spontaneous mutation

Number of physical and chemical agents


Discovered xrays causes genetic changes

Hermann muller

Chemicals similar to normal Dna nucleotides but that pair incorrectly during DNA replication

Nucleotide analogs

Discrete unit of inheritance that affects a phenotypic character


A _____ is a region of DNA that cab be expressed to produce a final functional product that us either a polypeptide or an RNA molecule
