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12 Cards in this Set

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What act governs CN

The Law Reform (Contributory Negligence) Act 1945

Definition of CN

Any damage awarded to C can be reduced to the extent the C contributed to their own harm Spencer v Wincanton Holdings

What was outlined in Sayers v Harlow

Judge will calculate full amount of damages and percentage C is responsible for and take it away

What must be estsblished

The C failed to take reasonable care for their own safety

The failure to take care was a contributory cause of the harm suffered

Badger v MOD

C must fail to take reasonable care

Barrett v MOD

Standard is variable and all circumstances are taken into account

Evans v Souls Garage

Child will be compared to a reasonable child

Gough v Thorns

Young child cannot be held contributorily negligence

Jones v Boyce

If C acts in an emergency situation then actions are more likely to be reasonable

Sayers v Harlow

Cs failure to take care must be a contributory cause

Smith v Finch

If Cs actions made not difference then the outcome isn't contributory negligent

Examples of when it was used

Not wearing a motorcycle helmet Oconnel v Jackson

Not wearing a seat belt Froom v Butcher

Accepting a lift a drunk driver Stinton

Exposing oneself to danger Jones v Livox Quarries

Failure to follow safety instructions Stapley v Gypsum Mines