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11 Cards in this Set

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goals in " touching the void"

- i looked ahead to a landmark and gave myself half and hour to reach it

- place-lift-brace-hop.

- watch would galvanise into action

- become so important to beat the watch

joe's long term gial : survival

joe's short term goal: beating the clock/ making it to the landmark

Goals are directive

They have a directive function:

- They direct attention and effort toward goal-relevant activities and away from goal irrelivant activities. ( narrowing down what matters to achieving the goal )


Goals energize

-They increase effort

- difficult goals load to more effort than easy goals.

- direct physical effort

- repetition of simple cognitive tasks

- subjective measures of effort

physiological indicators of effort

Goals prolong effort

- goals affect persistance

- they prolong effort

when participants are allowed to control the time the work on a task..

effort length and intensity

- trade off bet length and intensity of effort

- work faster and harder for less period of time

Goals guide the work

-ppl automatically use knowledge and skills they have already aquired, when its relevant to achieve the goal

- ppl draw from repertoire of skills that they have used in related contexts and apply

- if task for which goal is assigned is new ppl ingage in deliberate planning to develope strategies that will allow them to meet their goal.

Uninterested math students study

study group of children who are not doing well/ uninterested in math

set up situation where children could do self directed learning

then looked at


-self efficacy



- pre test/ self efficacy before learing

- post test self efficacy/ post test/ post self efficacy two

iterest: free choice activities


-control group - no training

-no goals

-long term goals

-short term and long term goals

short term goal group feels they did the best and actually did do the best

urging ppl to do their best

when you tell someone to do their best, they do not do so

specific and difficult goals consistantly lead to higher performance than urging.

do your best goals have to external referant

no clear idea of what 'best' is

goal commitment

why is goal committment particularily important when the goals are difficult and challenging?

difficult goal lead to low pS too much temporal discounting

two types of facors facilitate goal committment

believing goal is important

believing that the goal is achievable: self efficacy

to increase goal commitment:

public commitment

motivation and rationalle

participatory- you have some say

self directed - you came up with the goal

goals and the value equation

what are the potental benefits of breaking a tast into potential subtasks R,D and pS

goals and self efficacy

adequate to increase mastery

role modelling

persuasive communication.