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31 Cards in this Set

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Title VII Prohibits

Discrimination based on:

1. Race

2. Color

3. National Origin

4. Religion

5. Sex

Sexual Orientation under Title VII

Not covered, need to look at a Price/Waterhouse sexual stereotype analysis.

Title VII Applies to Employers with ___ Employees


Title VII Agency Predicate to SUit


1. Request Right to Sue Letter

2. EEOC Has 180 days, then demand letter

3. Party has 90 days to file suit after letter received.

Title VII Violation Damages

Entity Only

Minimum: $50K

Maximum: $300K


Front/Back pay; Fees; Injunction; Punitive

Title VII Discrimination Defense

Good faith effort to prevent discrimination.

Eliminates liability only for punitive damages.

14 USC 1981

Prohibits Race discrimination

Applies to every employer

No caps on damages

No predicate to suit

Four year statute of limitations

Retaliation Test

A. Employee: 1. Protected activity;

2. employer's adverse action

B. Employer: Show not based on protected


C. Employee: Show but-for causation

Adverse Action for Retalliation

Reasonable employee would find action materially adverse.

Bona Fide Occupational Qualification Defense (BFOQ)


1. Duty is the essence of the business

2. Relates to ability to do the job.

3. Reasonably necessary

4. No Less restrictive alternative

*can never be race

*customer preference can't justify

Disparate Impact Discrimination

Facially neutral policy

Disparate Impact Burden Shifting Test

A. Plaintiff: 1. Disparate result; 2. Causation

B. Employer: Business justification for policy

C. Plaintiff: Alternatives available which:

1. Less impact;

2. serve the same business purpose

Disparate Treatment Discrimination

Intentional discrimination based on a protected category

McDonell/Douglass Test

Used when there's no direct evidence:

1. Plaintiff Prima Facie Case:

a. Member of protected class;

b. Qualified and applied for position (denied);

c. Position kept open and hired someone out

side class with equal or lower qualifications

2. Employer: Legitimate no discriminatory reason

3. Plaintiff: Employer's reason is a pretext.

Mixed-Motive Discrimination

1. Plaintiff proves discrimination

2. Defendant proves same action would have been taken absent impermissible motivator to eliminate liability for monetary damages.

3. Price Waterhouse: mixed motive is not a defense (overruled by Title VII amendment)

National Origin Discrimination

English-only policies are per se illegal according to EEOC

Sexual Discrimination

1. Price Waterhouse- gender stereotyping

2. Grooming/ Dress Codes:

A. Cannot discriminate

B. Can be different, but equal burden

Ability Testing

Job related

Business Necessity

Religious Discrimination (Types)

1. Disparate Treatment

2. Failure to Accomodate

Religious Discrimination (Accomodations)

Reasonable accommodations:

Any expense or burden will qualify as unreasonable- very low bar.

Affirmative Action

Program must:

1. Be to remediate a manifest imbalance

2. Be designed to be temporary

Pregnancy Discrimination Act


1. Treat the same- no extra rights

2. Abortion rights are covered

3. Parental rights are not covered (protects statutes, not conduct)

Age Discrimination in Employment Act


>40 years old

>20 employees

Age Discrimination in Employment Act


1. EEOC Enforces

2. Procedure:

A. File CHarges with EEOC

B. Wait 60 days before filing suit in court

Reasonable factor other than age

Only Safety

Remedies for ADEA Violations

1. Front/Back Pay

2. Injunction

3. Attorneys Fees

4. Liquidated damages (willful violations)

Older Workers Benefits Protection Act



1. Warning:

A. Advise to talk to lawyer

B. Give 21 days to consider

2. Give 7 days to rescind

Older Workers Benefits Protection Act


Contract is invalid

Employee is still entitled to Severance package along with any recovery for violation of ADEA.

Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act


Don't discriminate based on genetics

Uniformed Services Employment and

Re-Employment Rights ACT (USERRA)

Employee Requirements

1. Notify that he's leaving for uniformed service.

2. OTH or better discharge

3. Notify employer upon return

No predicate to suit- Enforced by DOL

Uniformed Services Employment and

Re-Employment Rights Act (USERRA)

Employer's Requirements

Applies to All Employers

1. Equivalent job (higher bar for hardship)

2. Cumulative 5 year absence

3. Escalator provision

4. Tenure provision (6-12 Mos)