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5 Cards in this Set

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What is the theoretical lens strategy?

A critic announces their use of another argument or theory to explain a possible layer of meaning in the text

What is the advantage of the strategy?

Helps us dig deeper into a text and reveal its complexities while also arguing for the text's social relevance

What are the two parts to using the strategy?

1. The theoretical text acts as a lens for discovering arguments in the primary text - some aspects become magnified while others recede to the background

2. Using the primary text to reflect back on the theoretical text by challenging or extending some aspect of the theory

Describe the difference between theoretical lens and context

1. The type of text cited and the extent to which that text is used as a framework for analysis and interpretation.2. Theoretical lens uses complex explanatory arguments as an interpretive tool. Context uses factual information to inform an interpretation.3. Theoretical arguments are generally referred to throughout the analysis and often become a focus in and of themselves as the critic uses the primary text to challenge or extend the theoretical text.

How do you use the theoretical lens strategy to brainstorm?

1. Chose a theoretical lens2. Work to understand the surface meaning of both primary and theoretical texts3. Re-read the primary text 4. Reflect on how the primary text differs from the theoretical text