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66 Cards in this Set

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Talks about Church
Greek word for Church
Nicene Creed was finalized at
Chalcedon in 451 but was begun in Nicea in 325
4 Marks of the Church
1. One
2. Holy
3. Catholic
4. Apostolic
Problem of the Church as one
You don't have to go far to realize there are different people who say they are the one true church, They all have particular beliefs and practices Christian units isn't really a part of the Church.
History of the beginning of the Church and when the splits began to occur
The beginning of the Church began in the Apostolic time. The first 100 years there was no elaborate administrative structure. The first bishop was the Apostle Peter. He was in a unique place with recognition and authority. There's an incident where disciples ask who is God and Peter says Christ. Christ says Peter you are the rock upon whom I will build my Church. Many apostles defer to peter. Bishop of Rome is the first of the Bishops.
Seat in Rome
The Seat in Rome is the authority because Rome was the capital and because of Peter's role. Peter became the head of the Roman Catholic Church. The other followers were below Peter. In spite of Church disagreements there's one Church we know as the Roman Catholic Church for the first 100 years.
How long did we have a single Church
We had a single Church for the first 100 years or so.
What happened to the Church in the first 1000 years
The Patristic period 100-500 because the collapse of Rome the Roman Empire has crumbled. The capital is moved to Constantinople. This is what survived of the Roman Empire. Rome is now in disarray. The Eastern Byzantine evolves. they are a Greek speaking Church, In the West the Latin speaking Roman Catholic Church persists.
What are the first two Churches?
In the east there's the Byzantine Greek speaking Church, in the west there's the Latin speaking Roman Catholic Church.
What does the pope do which causes a split between Catholic and Byzantine Church?
Each church evolves differntly and the Pope excommunicates the Bishop of the Byzantine church. Now we have a split between the Catholics in the west and the orthodox Church in the east.
The Roman Catholic Church structure
The Roman Catholic Church desired one structure of authority following the pope. They saw the Church as unifying. The Greek Church didn't share this viewpoint.
By the time 1500 and the medivil period begins what does the unity of the church look like?
Martil Luther, German Roman Catholic priest member of Augustinians who was very discontent with the affairs of the Church so he nails 95 theses on the door of the Church. He just wanted a discussion. He wanted internal reform the Roman Catholics did not want. They arrested him and there was a jailbreak. When he escaped he continued writing, preaching, and causes many to break from the Catholic church around 1500. So for the first 1000 years mostly Roman Catholic dominated then the Protestand REformation begins.
This proliferates and large numbers of churches develop. There are hundreds of denominations ore than 200 baptists denominations. The number of organizations and churches are huge nowdays. it's hard to say exactly why the splits occur but now there are thousands who claim to be part of the one true church. Some Churches believe they are the only one. Roman Catholics recognize that some other groups are also part of the Church after vatican 2.
A large group of Christians. King Henry the 8th charactured as a self indulgent person who keeps collecting more and more wies until the pope won't give him another annullment. He decides the Church authority should be within the boundary of his authority. So he named the Archbishop of Canterbury the pope. In the beginning they didn't change much from the Roman CAtholics, but as time went on they began another Church using English as the official language.
Why did the church break into many different groups?
Some splits occur for political reasons others for theological reasons.
how we think/talk about the Church
Big controversy over the role of statues in worship. Some felt the use of icons was to close to idoltary.
there was a huge controversy over whether or not statues could be used in worship or if they would be considered idols and worship false gods.
Now days why do splits of the Church occur?
Now most splits occur because of political and social responses rather than theological differences.
The position of the early Church. Imperial says one ecclesiastic structure was entrusted with the Gospel. Now you can be a part of the Church but you're not a part of the one true Church. this is the view they held until Vatican 2. Now there can be brokenness and separation. Now the Church has a different view.
Platonic sense of the Church as one
We've talked about Plato and the eternal forms. When we talk abut being human we don't talk about brown hair that proceeds from the form. The form is eternal and undistinguishable. There's a pure eternal form of the CHurch but we only see the broken imperfect form of the Church. In spite of imperfections there's the essence of the pure perfect Church transcendent.
thinking about
Greek word for outcome. End or finality of all things.
That area of Christianity that deals with finality. What's the goal of human enterprise is the question it strives to answer.
Believes the end of things there will be a confrontation/battle between good and evil and the era of contentment will be there. Apocolyptic is one form of eschatology. By the time god is done the Church will not be broken anymore instead it will be one because Christ wills it to be one.
What is one form of eschatology?
Apocolyptic view
Biological image of Church as one
It began as one and then there was a division which yielded the Roman and Orthodox Churches. From all of these Churhces different branches were formed off of the one reality. That is the approach so even though each has a different reality they are still part of the same biologic growing changin reality.
Four ways the church can be one
1. imperial
2. platonic
3. eschatological
4. biological
What is the 20th century view of the Church's unity?
In the 20th century they think the visible unity of the CHurch really matters. If you are a Christian you beliee the Church has a mission in the world. This mission is God the creator loves the creation. It is the will of God that everyone experience Go's love and that Christians love one another. IF that's true Christians say the brokenness of the CHurhc is bad because then people will say how they can'e love their neighbor if Christians don't love one another. So Christians must restore visible unity of Church. It's not enough to simply tolerate they must demonstrate that they love God and one another.
Name for the effort to try and restore visible unity
Greek word meaning of the whole world.
eschatological theory of the Church as one
final things so they talk about the end of the CHurch. At the end the Church will become one.
Holiness as a problem for the Church
Historically when the government has used the Church that's a problem for holiness. When Church leaders don't lead as they should it becomes hard to think of the Church as holy. When we talk about the Church as holy they affirm the Church is a mixed body. No leader or member is perfect.
The Church as a mixed body where did we get this from?
Diocletian who instituted a period of persecution in North Africa from 284-305 Only way to escape persecuation was to hand over the bible, recognize the policical leaders as a deity, or renounce their fiath which many did. If they did not they were murdered.

Felix of Aptunga lapsed. Then he came back to the Church confessed, completed pennance and was restored to the Church. In 311 he participates in the consecration of the new Bishop Cecilian. People object saying he's not a real bishop because he lapsed. So any ordination or sacraments he was involved in were invalid.
Donatis man who leads the group that says Cacelain isn't a real bisop. They have a rigorous view of the Church. The war rages between Catholics and Donatists.

Augustine arrives and using scripture, tradition, and reason concludes that the church is a mixed body. At the end of time God will judge and purify but for now the Church is a mixed body.
the Church is created by and belongs to god. it's not the church of this or that pastor but the Church of God. In spite of flaws or historical errors it is holy because created by God and preaches the holy Gospel and preaches a message, Church's message is a message of holiness and salvaion. The message is holy and entrusted to the CHurch. There is an eschatoligical idea in that the Church will be purified at the end.
What is the CHurch's mission?
The mission of the Church is to show Christ to the world by preaching the gospel. This mission is a holy mission because the Church is holy because it belongs to God and has a holy mission given to it by God.
Greek phrase menat referring to the whole. Used in referring to everybody. ALL the christians.
English word when did the question of us and them arise after the split. This refers to Catholic the whole church before there was a split. Long before there was a split int he church people thought about what it meant to be Catholic. They meant in what sense is the Church universal or how are they whole
Cyril of Jerusalem
315-386 He thinks about the Church and asks how it is Catholic.
How did the church come to understand itself as CAtholic
Spread from one end of the earth to the other. Teaches all documents needed. Also calls every type of person and gives universal remedy and cure for all sins. The Church encompasses ALL people not any one particular group of people.
St. Thomas view on the CHurch as Catholic
St. thomas may have written in teh Roman CAtholic sense but he said the Church was Catholic with respect to 3 things:
1. place because it was everywhere throughout the world.
2. people it was for all people
3. time it will last forever until the end of the world.
Radical reformation
people believe thta only adult professing believers are baptized because they think that it's only people who are faithful to living their faith. It is limited to those who are baptized and practicing. Separate identifiable from the rest of the world.
Starts with the sense that we talk about Apostolic period and the first group of the Apostles. In the teaching and experience of the kerygma we find the heart of the christian faith. As the experience writing and teaching built a Church we have a Church built on the Apostolic teaching.
Apostolic teaching
Came from the Apostles. That apostolic teaching is summed up in the apostle's creed and the Nicene Creed by 451 we have the foundation of the teaching of the Apostolic fathers so by the time we get to Chalcedon we have the Chur understanding of the apostolic teaching.
The apostolic beliefs are
one god
good god
created everything
god created us in his image
god acts to restore and reclaim us
came as Jesus and lived and taught
died on cross as attonement for sin
rose from dead to redeem them
still protects us and always will
practices the right faith which is founded on what the apostles believed.
orthodox practice or right practice
Apostolic succession
the clergy ar in Apostolic sucession from Peter every bishop had bishop authority all the way back to peter. Some say it's the way they practice in response to the apostles.
7 Sacraments Catholics believe in
1. baptism
2. Eucharist
3. Confirmation
4. Reconciliation
5. Marriage
6. Anointing
7. Ordination
Word we will find in the Greek original wording of the new testament. The general sense of the word in the NT has to do with the mystery of the sense in which how does the nature and work of Christ manifest god’s gracious action to redeem creation. Mystery of Christ’s being and Chirst’s work. Does not refer to any specific sacrament but rather, generally to the mystery or understanding of God’s grace.
Mysterion when it was translated from Greek to LAtin became what?
When this word is translated from Greek to Latin the word became sacramentum. This latin word sacramentum had no religious connotation. Word was taken from the Roman legal system. It’s use was in contractual law. Had the sense of a pledge in a contract. If I’ve done this, you will do this. Example I will deliver you the car if you will deliver me the money. Each party makes a pledge. Also used in the sense of a pledge of fidelity or loyalty. Arises from the Roman legal system.
Why did mysterion become sacrament when it was translated from Greek to LAtin
If it comes from the legal system why did it move from mystery surrounding redemption to this word with the sense of a pledge. Over time the Church remembered in all of this there was God’s pledge that he would act for the redemption of humanity and in very specific ways he said do this and when you do I will be present and give you grace. The pledge here is not the pledge of the Church but instead it’s appropriating the sense that Christ has promised to give people grace and in some specific acts he said he would be present. IF you do this he promises his grace. IT is a promise of grace.
How do individuals receive salvation?
Individuals receive grace not by good works but by grace. It’s not that they become good enough to be saved instead it’s a pledge of God’s grace.
What is an example of the CHurch saying do this?
There are instances where the Church said do this. Christian tradition says on the night that was the Passover Jesus said he desired to eat the Passover with his followers. They went upstairs and celebrated the Passover. In the midst of doing this traditional ritualistic meal was that Jesus departed from the traditional order of things and said something out of the script. He took bread and gave thanks and broke the bread gave it to his disciples and said “this is my body broken for you” took cup and said this is my blood poured out for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins. Then he also went on to say do this as often as you shall drink it in remembrance of me. Christians understood that something special happened because Jesus said do this they believed that grace would be a part of them doing that act. That means that for a long time Christians may just join Pharisees and saducees as religious groups in society. They worshiped in the temple and local neighborhood house of worship.
What is one of the first sacraments and how was it in it's most basic form?
On the Lord’s day, Sunday, they went to someone’s home and broke bread. They knew they were supposed to share the bread cup and remember the life of Jesus. SO they did this with the understanding that there’s a relationship between the command do this and the promise or pledge of God’s grace. That’s why we get Sacramentum.
What does St. Augustine say about Sacraments?
“Outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace”.
What is a sacrament and what has to be present for a valid sacrament?
A sacrament is a sign of divine grace and so the Church then begins to understand in all of these acts there’s something outward and visible that is the sign of God’s promise or action.
What about the outward signs is involved in the sacraments?
The outward and visible sign needs outward resemblance to what is being signified. This sign must actually become a means of grace. In nearly all Christian groups when conversations are had around these particular types of worship they are almost always around these types of grace. The outward sign becomes the means through which the grace of God is given to those who participate. The wedding ring transfers and participates it is a symbol. It becomes the means by which this grace is given. Water can just be water, bread can just be bread. Its not that this physical matter reality is automatically infused with God’s grace but God can choose to use it as a means of grace.
How can the physical reality participate in the divine sacrament?
The question becomes, can these physical realities, can this matter become a participation in the divine? We spent hours reading about how we got the doctrine called incarnation.
Incarnation—from Nicaea the Christological formula we believe Jesus is homoosious fully God and fully human there’s a similarity between the Church saying the divine nature is present in the physical body and that God is present in this body. There’s a relationship between God being present in these realities such as bread and wine. It’s a doctrine of incarnation to say that these things can become the means that Christ is present in these ordinary elements or outward signs.
Baptism-for roman Catholics and many others is the symbol is water and the act is offered for original sin. Baptism is practiced when an infant is presented within a fairly short period of time after their birth. Administered by the priest with a handful of water and the words “I baptize you in the name of the father, and of the son, and of the holy spirit” Infants are baptized because these are acts that God chose as means of grace. These are signs of God’s initiative. God’s the one who takes initiative to give grace. In the case of the infant it’s a sign that God loves the infant and incudes him in the family of God and forgives and cleanses the Child of the effects of original sin. It’s a sign not of the child making a decision or come to an understanding or are worthy. It is a sign entirely of God’s grace forgiveness and acceptance of this child. So the act of baptism is aimed at children and an act of inclusion and initiation into the Christian family and the Church. Infant baptism this little child cannot make up their mind about all of this but they are totally dependent and helpless. Every sinner is like this so the child is not in a different relationship with God than an adult would have.
what do radical reformationists believe about baptism
Because the Church is supposed to be identifiable the radical reformationists think we should only baptize adults who pledge to live holy lives. These are 2 diff understandings of baptism. One is a respose by God as a response to a believer. The other is a response by God of grace to a child as inclusion.
2. Eucharist—roman Catholics celebrate the eucharist at every mass. Sometimes referred to as the Lord’s Supper. Communion. Ect. The word Eucharist means thanksgiving. This name has a little more grounding in the Greek Church where they think the real essence of the celebration is giving thanks to God for what God has done. In the Roaman Church the mass originally referred to the specific part of worship where they broke the bread and poured the wine and distributed it to the people. Over time the mass came to refer not just to the act of sharing the bread and cup but to the whole service. For Roman Catholics the breaking of the bread and sharing of the wine is the most important part of the mass. For many this act draws people into a deeper level of communion and fellowship with God and with each other. This is why some prefer holy communion. Lord’s supper could be an act we do with a stronger sense of memorial and remembrance of when our lord told us we should do this.
What are some different views on the Eucharist?
For Roman Catholics the breaking of the bread and sharing of the wine is the most important part of the mass. For many this act draws people into a deeper level of communion and fellowship with God and with each other. This is why some prefer holy communion. Lord’s supper could be an act we do with a stronger sense of memorial and remembrance of when our lord told us we should do this.
What does the word Eucharist mean?
What do Roman Catholics believe about the Eucharist that many others do not believe
that the bread and wine become the body and blood of Christ.