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30 Cards in this Set

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Define your History
Your history is the story of what happened to you from the moment you were born, all the way up to the present.
People who read letters, journals, other documents, and momuments to find out what happened in the past are called ________________
The story they write about the past is called _____________
What are the two different ways we may learn about the history of people who lived long-ago
1) through journals, letters and other written records left behind
2)The story of wars left on monuments or stone letters about a king's victory at war
What is archaeology?
Discovery the history of people by what is left behind which are dug up
Historians who dig objects out of the ground and learn from them are called ____________
The earliest people are known as ________________
Nomad means
a person who wanders or roams around
A nomad women's and childrens job was to
dig up roots, pick nuts, berries and plants. Collect other types of food, such as eggs, wild honey and lizards and snakes.
A nomad man's job was to
Hunt for meat with spears, ows and arrows. If the men were by a lake they would fish too.
After the nomads had picked most of their food source and very few animals were left to hunt, what would they do?
Move to another place where there was plenty of food and drinking water.
Nomads lived over ___________ years ago
In the warm climates, what did the nomads use to build their tents.
Use animals hides and stretch them over wooden frames. They would take these from place to place
In the colder climates, what did the nomads use for shelter.
How do historians today know Nomads lived in caves?
they left behind pictures on the cave walls, which can still be seen today.
What was the best place during this time for Nomads to live?
Fertile Crescent
Why was this land called the Fertile Crescent?
The land was shaped like a crescent moon and fertile because it was between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.
The nomads who settled in the Fertile Crescent were becoming ________________.
The nomads who chose to live year round at the Fertile Crescent started doing what so they would not run out of food?
Planting and sowing grain
How did the farmers get the water from the river to their fields of grain?
dug canals from the rivers out into their fields
What tpe of irrigation device did the ancient farmers use to get the water from the canals to water their grain?
What was considered to be one of the first farm machines
Farmers who lived by rivers began to build houses instead of living in tents. What did they build their 1st houses from?
Houses were made of reed or bricks there were made from mud and left to dry in sun
Farmers decided it was better for them to build houses close together so they could all help each other farm. This was considered to be the first _______________
Villages were often built around a ________________ or _____________ filed where their tame animals were kept.
1) central pen
2) field
Farmers began to trade their grains, sheeps wool and animals skins to others for ______________________
metals, pottery, wood and other goods
Farmers started becoming fearful of attacks on their villages by bandits so they built a __________________
wall around their village.
When farmers built a wall around their village, this became known as a _________
One of the earliest Cities is
city of Jericho
Jerico had one of the strongest walls of the ancient times. How tall and thick was it.
10 feet thick and 13 feet high