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37 Cards in this Set

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Structure of a Nerve
Cordlike organ of PNS
Bundle of Myelinated and nonmyelinated peripheral axons enclosed by connective tissue
loose connective tissue that encloses axons and their myelin sheaths
coarse connective tissue that bundles fibers into fasicles
tough fibrous sheath around a nerve
Mixed nerves
both sensory and motor fibers; impulses both to and from CNS
Sensory (afferent) nerves
impulses only away from CNS
Motor (efferent) nerves
impulses only aways from CNS
Peripheral nerves classified as
Cranial nerves
Spinal nerves
Cranial nerves
originate from the brain
Spinal nerves
originate from the spinal
spinal nerves
31 pairs of mixed nerves fro the spinal cord and supply all parts of the body except the head and part of neck

-named according to their point of tissue
spinal nerve pairs
-8 cervivcal (c1-c8)
-12 thoracic (t1-t12)
-5 lumbar (l1-l5)
-5 sacral (s1-s5)
-1 coccygeal (c0)
Each spinal nerve connects to spinal cord via 2 roots
-ventral roots (anterior)
-dorsal roots (posterior)

Dorsal and Ventral roots unite to form spinal nerves which emerge from vertebral column via intervertebral foramina
Ventral roots (anterior)
contain motor (efferent) fibers from ventral horn motor neurons
-fibers innervate skeletal muscles
dorsal roots (posterior)
contain sensory (afferent) fibers from sensory neurons in dorsal root ganglia and conduct impulses from peripheral receptors
distal branches of spinal nerves
spinal nerves are short
Each branches into mixed Rami
dorsal ramus
innervates the muscles and joints in that region of the spine and the skin of the back
ventral ramus
larger, innervates the anterior and lateral skin and muscles of the trunk and givers rise to nerves of the limbs
meningeal branch
tiny, reenters vertebral canal innervates meninges and blood vessels
rami communicantes
(automatic pathways) join ventral rami in thoracic region
ventral rami
all ventral rami except T2-T12 form interlacing nervier networks called plexuses
are found in the cervical, brachial, lumbar, and sacral regions

each branch of a plexus contains fibers from several spinal nerves
cervical plexus in the neck C1-C5
supplies neck and phrenic
formed by ventral rami of C1-C4
most branches are cutaneous nerves of the neck ear back of head and shoulders

most important nerve is the phrenic nerve
brachial plexus near the shoulder C5-T1
supplies upper limb and some of shoulder and neck
divides into five major peripheral nerves
lumbar plexus in the lower back L1-L4
supplies abdominal wal anterior thigh and genitalia
sacral plexus in the pelvis L4 L5 and S1-S4
supplies remainder of lower trunk and lower limb
coccygeal plexus S4 S5 and C0
I dont know
five major nerves of bracchial plexus
innervates the muscles and skin of shoulders
sends fibers to the biceps brachia and brachialis
passes down the anterolateral surface of arm
supplies posteriomedial surface of arm
passes down posterolateral surface of arm and forearm
major nerve of lumbar plexus
destruction of the anterior horn motor neurons by the poliovirus
early symptoms fever headache muscle pain and weakness and loss of somatic reflexes
radial nerve injury
passes through axilla
crutch paralysis
wrist drop
sciatic nerve injury
sciatica- sharp pain that travels from gluteal region along the posterior side of the thigh and leg to ankle

90% comes from herniated intervertebral disc or osteoporosis