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8 Cards in this Set

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1. Big Bang Theory
a. 12-15 billion years ago
b. sudden expansion
c. temperature drops
d. atoms and reactions
e. universe continues to expand
f. gravity takes over
2. Origin of Earth
a. 4,600 million years ago
b. 4.600-3,800 million year ago
i. heavy materials to core
ii. lighter ones form crust
3. First atmosphere
a. Hydrogen gas
b. Ammonia
c. Methane
d. Hydrogen sulfide
e. Nitrogen
f. Carbon monoxide
g. Carbon dioxide
h. No gaseous oxygen
i. Enabled organic compounds to assmble
4. Hypotheses for early organic compounds
a. Stanley Miller’s Experiment
i. Mixed methane, hydrogen, ammonia, and water
ii. Simulated lightning
iii. Amino acids and other small molecules formed from organic compounds
b. Other experiments and hypotheses:
i. Sugars and nucleotides form from formaldehyde
ii. Clay is the medium in which these molecule form
1. heat and alternating moist and dry environments will assemble amino acids into proteins in clay
iii. hydrothermal vents is also conducive to assemble amino acids
5. Cell origination
a. The first 600 mystspontaneous assembly
b. The first cells probably assembled in clay
c. Clay catalyzes RNA assembly and promotes formation of vesicles
d. It also catalyzes amino acid polymers
e. RNA world
i. RNA can self replicate
ii. Has enzymatic properties
iii. Can store info
iv. RNA was likely first genetic material
f. Plasma Membrane
i. Fatty acids and alcohol and clay
ii. Proto-cells
6. The first cells
a. Prokaryotic and anaerobic (no oxygen in atmosphere)
b. Fermentation and metabolism
7. Origin of photosynthetic eubacteria
a. 2.7 bya
i. stromatolites
ii. use sunlight for respiration
iii. oxygen in atmosphere
iv. aerobic respiration
8. Origin of eukaryotes from prokaryotes
a. 2.1 bya
b. organelles
c. membrane infolding
i. cytomembrane system
i. Mitochondria and chloroplasts
9. Endosymbiosis Theory
a. Lynn Margulis
b. Mitochondria and chloroplasts are the descendents of free-living prokaryotic organisms
c. Prokaryotes were engulfed by early eukaryotes and became permanent internal symbionts
d. Evidence:
i. Mitochondria and chloroplasts have own DNA
ii. DNA of organelles circular and lack histones
iii. Organelles reproduce by binary fission-like process
iv. Ribosome structure like bacterial ones