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57 Cards in this Set

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bundle of nerve roots from the lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal spinal nerves that descend vertically from the spinal cord until they reach their respective openings at the vertebral column
Cauda equina
the caudal end of the spinal cord
Conus medullaris
slender tapering terminal section of the spinal cord
Filum terminale
dilation of the central canal of the spinal cord
common benign tumor composed of fat cells
protrusion of the meninges through the gap in the spine
the spinal cord and nerve roots are exposed, often adhering to the fine membrance that overlies them
Cleft spinal cord resulting from failure of the neural tube to close
open neural tube defects, such as myelomeningocele and meningocele (non skin covered lesions)
Spina bifida aperta
closed neural tube defects, such as a spinal lipoma and tethered cord (skin covered lesion)
Spina bifida occulta
fixed spinal cord that is positioned in the abnormal position
Tethered spinal cord
The spinal cord is the main pathway for info connecting the ____ and ____.
brain and peripheral nervous system
The human spinal cord is proteced by the ____.
bony spinal column.
The spinal column is made up of ____.
Although the spinal column is somewhat flexible, some of the vertebrae in the ___ parts of the spinal column become ____.
lower/ fused
The spinal column extends down to only the ___.
last of the thoracic vertebrae
Nerves that branch from the spinal cord from the lumbar and sacral levels must run in the vertebral canal for a distance before they exit the vertebral column/ collection of nerves in the vertebral canal/ "horse tail"
cauda equina
Which vertebrae do you count during an exam?
The bottom
Condition in which the spinal cord is abnormally fastened to an immovable structure such as a lipoma, vertebra, dura, or skin/ The spinal cord is then fixed between two points: first at the tethering structure and second at the base of the brain/ thus vertebral structures that move as a result of growth, daily activity, or pathologic skeletal change will stretch the spinal cord abnormally resulting in the segment of tethered spinal cord stretched beyond its tolerance and damage to blood vessels, nerve cells, and nerve fibers occurs.
Tethered spinal cord
the membrance covering the spinal cord
Most common complaints/findings with tethered spinal cord
decrease in strength of the legs, loss of bowel and bladder control, deformity of the legs or hips, back or leg pain, loss of reflexes and sensation in the legs, as well as curvature of the spine/ often there are skin abnormalities overlying the tethered cord, such as midline hair dimples, sinuses or tracts leading from the skin towards the spinal cord, birthmarks, fatty lumps, or small tufts of hair.
Reasons for u/s of the spinal cord in newborns
cutaneous lesions of the back, deformities of the spinal column, neurologic disturbances, suspected spinal cord injury due to traumatic birth, and syndromes associated with spinal cord compression
U/s of teh spinal cord in newborns performed in ___ and ____ planes from the ____ to the ____.
sagittal and axial/ craniocervical junction to the sacrum
Typically, the newborn is examined in the ___ position.
In tethering of the spinal cord, abnormal _____ of the spinal cord adjacent to the _____ is seen when the pt is in prone position. In addition, failure of _____ of the spinal cord and nerve roots can be demonstrated with _____.
dorsal fixation/ arches of the vertebrae/ pulsatile movement/ M-mode scanning
______ have been the msot common reason for requesting neonatal spinal sonography.
Midline cutaneous abnormalities over the lower back
Midline hair patches, fatty lumps, skin tags, pigmented nevi, lumbar dimples, aplisia cutis, and hemangiomas over the back should....
prompt a search for an OCCULT tethered spinal cord.
duplication of the uterus and uterine horn or branches
bicornate uterus
blood filled vagina and uterus
fluid filled vagian
concerning or characteristic of the same sex
the early or primitive ovum before it has developed completely
a cell produced at an early stage in the formation of an ovum
either of the paired ducts that form adjacent to the mesonephric ducts in the embryo
paramesonephric ducts
anomaly of the uterus in which only one horn develops
unicornate uterus
complete duplication of the uterus, cervix, and vagina
uterus didelphys
In embryos with double "X" chromosome (female), differentiation of the gonads....
occurs later than in males.
All embryos have ____ pairs of genital ducts in the beginning/ The female or _____ ducts develop into the female reproductive system.
identical/ paramesonephric
There are no morphologic indications on male or female until the ____ week of gestation.
External sex organs are fully deveoped by the ____ week.
Both the urethra and vagina open into the ____, which becomes the _____/ The urogenital folds become the ____ and the phallus becomes the ____.
urogenital sinus/ vestibule of the vagina/ labia minora/ clitoris
The normal bladder will have a ____ wall/ The distal ureters are not usually visualized unless they are ____/ The normal wall is ____ with a mean average of ____.
smooth, thin/ dilated/ 3mm/ 1.5 mm
The uterus is ____ shaped/ ____ smaller than ____.
pear/ fundus cervix
The ____ stimulate the initial size of the uterine cavity after birth/ as these hormones decrease, so does the uterine size/ The uterus assumes a ____ shape with the ____ consuming more area than the uterus.
maternal hormones/ teardop/ cervix
The uterus increases in size after the age of ___/ the greatest increase occurs after the onset of ___.
7 years/ puberty
The uterus has bilateral ____ which are branches of the ____.
uterine arteries/ internal iliac arteries
In the neonatal pt, the ovary may be found anywhere between the ___ and the _____.
lower pole of the kidneys and the true pelvis
Blood supply to the ovary is from the ____ that originates directly from the ___ and from the _____.
ovarian artery/ aorta/ uterine artery
Ovarian volume in cubic cm=
lenght x heigth x width x 0.523
There are very high associated _____ associated with abnormalities of the uterine cavity.
renal anomalies
Six classes of mullerian duct anomalies
1: Segmental mullerian agenesis or incomplete vaginal canalization
2. Unicornate uterus
3. Uterus didelphys
4. Bicornate Uterus
5. Septate Uterus
6. Related to the exposure to the durg diethylstilbestrol (DES) in utero
True hermaphrodites have both....
ovary and testicular tissue
True precocious puberty is always ____ and involve the development of secondary characteristics and in increase in the size and activity of glands/ The uterus is enlarged and ovarian volume is enlarged (greater than 1 cubic cm), functional cysts are often present.
Precocious pseudopuberty involve the maturation of ____ sexual characteristics but not the ____, as there is no activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis. ______ by the adrenal gland, tumors, or cysts is the most common cause.
secondary/ gonad/ excessive exogenous synthesis of gonadal steriods
The development of the ovary begins in the ____ and continues during childhood.
fetal gestational period
Most fetal cysts resolve spontaneously but may persist into the ___ period/ Small follicular cysts of ___ are a common and normal finding in neonatal ovaries.
neonatal/ 3 to 7mm
may occur at any age from neonate to adulthood/ most commonly in the first two decades of life
ovarian torsion