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64 Cards in this Set

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The series of chemical reactions necessary for the use of the raw material is called ________
A metabolic reaction that builds larger, more complex substances from simpler substances
A metabolic reaction that breaks down larger, more complex substances into simpler substances
Pasta, bread, rice, potatoes, jelly, sugar are all examples of ____________
What three organic compounds make up carbohydrates?
Oxygen, Carbon, and Hydrogen
Single sugar compounds are called __________
Double sugar compounds are called _________
Many sugar compounds are called ________
Glucose, Fructose, Galactose, Deoxyribose, and Ribose are all _______
Which monosaccharide is the most important energy source for the human body
What are the monosaccharides deoxyribose and ribose used to make?
Two monosaccharides linked together form a ________
Sucrose, maltose, and lactose are examples of _________
Starches, glycogen, and cellulose are examples of _____________
Disaccharides must be broken down into this before they can be absorbed by our bodies
The storage form for glucose in the human body is a polysaccharide called ___________
Where is glycogen stored in the human body
Liver and skeletal muscle
Fiber in our diet that helps the GI system to function is made up mostly of the polysaccharide _________
Name the three ways that the body uses glucose?
1. burned as fuel
2. stored as glycogen
3. stored as fat
Glucose can be broken down using ______ catabolism or _________ catabolism
Aerobic, Anaerobic
The breakdown of glucose without oxygen
Anaerobic catabolism
The breakdown of glucose with oxygen
Aerobic catabolism
The first step in catabolism of glucose with or without oxygen is the same and yields 2 ATP + pyruvic acid. This is called?
In the absence of oxygen, glucose is broken down to pyruvic acid which is then converted to __________.
Lactic acid
If oxygen is present, then pyruvic acid enters this organ to be metabolized to many ATP + H2O + CO2
This is the cycle that glucose undergoes inside the mitochondria.
Krebs cycle
What two categories of substances can be broken down and used to make glucose besides carbohydrates
Proteins and Fats
The making of glucose from nonglucose sources
The person with diabetes lacks this hormone that helps glucose to enter the cells
Organic compounds commonly called fats or oils
Lipids are made up of these two building blocks
Fatty acids and Glycerol
The most important steroid in the body
The lipid that helps make up the cell membrane
Which of the following substances produces the most energy when it undergoes aerobic metabolism
The building blocks of protein
Amino acids
The number of amino acids available in the body to make proteins
20 (Twenty)
Amino acids that must be present in our diet because we can not make them
Essential Amino Acids
Amino acids that our body can make in the liver
Nonessential Amino Acids
Amino acids are joined together by these bonds to form peptides, polypeptides, and proteins
Peptide Bond
Several amino acids joined together by peptide bonds
Many amino acids joined together by peptide bonds
Very large polypeptides often with more than one chain of polypeptides
The combination of a sugar and a protein
The combination of a lipid and a protein
Name the three ways the body uses proteins
1. To make hormones, antibodies, muscle, etc.
2. May be broken down and burned to make ATP
3. May be broken down and turned into glucose (gluconeogenesis)
What element does protein contain that lipids and carbohydrates do not
The nitrogen in protein that is not recycled is converted to ______ and excreted in the urine
What substance can build up in the blood and cause confusion, coma if the liver is unable to handle nitrogen from protein?
Ammonia (NH3)
The directions that show the pattern of amino acid assembly to create proteins is stored in this structure
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)
DNA is stored in this cellular structure
Adenine pairs with thymine, and cytosine only pairs with guanine. This is called _______.
Name the four bases found in DNA
Adenine(A), Cytosine(C), Guanine(G), and Thymine(T)
Each three bases in DNA when read vertically codes for a particular amino acid. This is called __________
The copying and delivery of the code for protein synthesis is done by this nucleic acid
mRNA (messenger ribonucleic acid)
Name the three ways in which RNA is different from DNA
1. sugars are different (ribose in RNA vs deoxyribose in DNA)
2. DNA=2 strands, RNA=1 strand
3. RNA has uracil instead of thymine
mRNA goes to this structure outside the nucleus where proteins are made
This RNA is found attached to individual amino acids within the cytoplasm and delivers the amino acid to the proper site for protein synthesis
tRNA (transfer ribonucleic acid)
The copying of the code by mRNA
Adenine and guanine are classified as which of the following: purines or pyrimidines?
Cytosine, thymine, and uracil are classified as which of the following: purines or pyrimidines
The reading of the mRNA code by tRNA is called this
This type of poisoning inactivates some enzymes in mitochondria so O2 can not be used to make ATP causing death
Cyanide poisoning
Phenylketonuria, cystic fibrosis, and glycogen storage disease are examples of this category of diseases
Enzyme deficiency diseases
The lack of O2 causes anaerobic metabolism with a decrease in blood pH. This is called _________
Lactic acidosis