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13 Cards in this Set

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Cohabit (vb.)


Ex:- Animals that can cohabit with human thrive.

Syn:- live together

Mems:- co> with+ habit=> habitats==>coexisting


Tendency to choose or do something regularly

Ex:- He has the proclivity of exercise.

Syn:- liking, inclination, penchant ,predisposition

Mems:- pro=> before + clivity (can rhymes with ACTIVITY)==> Liking or inclination to do something


Gratify or indulge or comply with

Ex:- You must pander to rules and regulations.

Syn:- satisfy, cater to ,bow to

Mems:- pan => kheye satisfied.


A mark or a series of sign

Ex:- a trail of blood

Syn:- chain,series

Mems- trail=> can be pronounced as tail => long series

Paramount (adj.)


Ex:- The interest of the child are of paramount importance.

Syn:- upper most, chief, prime ,primary

Mount=>>reminds hill or mountain>> so peak or supreme

Scathing (adj.)

Witheringly scornful or severely critical

Ex:- Ex-supreme court judge has launched a scathing attack on PM.

Syn:- devastating, harsh

Ant:- mild, gentle

mems:- scathing can be pronounced as scratching=>> harsh

Substantive( adj.)

Having a farm basis in reality.

Ex:- The police is yet to gather any substantive proof against the accused.

Syn:- real facts , real importance

Mems:- can be derived from SUBSTANCE

Oblique( adj.)

Not expressed or done in a direct way

Ex:- He launched an oblique attack on president.

Syn: circuitous, roundabout, indirect

Mems:- lick korte gele sarir ta junhu (=> oblique) ko te hoi.

Prescient (adj.)

Knowing or suggesting correctly what will happen in future.

Ex:- I enjoy reading about the prescient.

Syn:- far-sighted, intuitive

Mems:- pre science => fore knowledge

Remand (Vb.)

Place on bail or in custody especially when trial is adjourned.

Ex:- He was remanded in custody for a week.

Mems:- re (=>back) + mandare( => commit)

Protracted (adj.)

Lasting for a long time or longer than expected.

Ex:- His appointment follows a protracted weeks of negotiation.

Syn:- lengthy, extended.

Mems:- PROblem ko TRACk korte LENGTHY somoi lagbe.

Preempt (vb.)

Take action in order to prevent happening

Ex:- The government preempted a coup attempt.

Syn:- forestall , prevent

Mems:- pre( => before) empt(=> empty) i.e. to prevent


Confuse or injure

Ex:- I fell and bruised my knee badly.

Syn:- hurt, mark ,blacken

Mems:- while brushing (=>bruising) floor I fell and injured my knee.