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27 Cards in this Set

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What % did the economy grow by jn 1966


What did Johnson declare inconditional war on


How mnay staff were part of the independent agency overseeing great society


What was the budget of the independent agency overseeing great society

$960 million

What health care did Johnson introduce

Medicaid and Medicare

What % of the elderly population received free health care by 1976


What office was opened under the great society

Office of economic opportunity

What was head start

Free nursery schools for poor children

What did jobs Corp provide

Vocational training

What was upward bound skills education

Helped poor children in to uni

What were the Vista community services in poor areas comparable to

The peace corps

What did the housing act fund

Cheap housing and rent assistence

How many new national parks did Johnson introduce


What did the national endowment for the arts fund

Galleries and theatres

What was the intention of the national endowment for the arts

That not only the rich should get to enjoy artistic culture

What was the number of poor families in 1959 compared to 68

59= 40 million, 68=25 million

What was the % of black people earning less then $3000 year in 1960 compared to 68

In 1960 it was 41% by 68 it was 23%

Who often ran community action programs


What did community action programs collect data on?

Biggest local problems

What's an examples of a community action programme

One jn Memphis focused on high j can't mortality and worked with medical professionals to set up free clinics

What happened to number of poor families after ohh left office

Stalled and then rose to 30 million in the 1980s

What did the great society provide a reaction against

Big gov interference

What were Medicare costs in 1965 compared to 1980

$40bn in 1965 and $400bn in 1980

Did the money given to apalache reverse the l9ss of jobs ?


What was the impact of the focus on equality of opportunity

Programs did not work for old sick and single mothers

What did the great society not seek to do

Redistribute wealth

What could competition to gain project funding lead to

Greater racial tensions e.g. black and hispanics in LA