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42 Cards in this Set

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What do hormones control


Growth and development

Mobilization body defenses

Maintenance of much homeostasis

Regulation of much metabolism

What are steroids made for


What are prostaglandins made from

Highly active lipids

Hormones affect on certain what?

Tissues or organs

Target cells must have specific what?

Protein receptors

What are two mechanisms in which hormones act

Direct gene activation

Second gene messenger

Direct gene activation is also called

Steroid hormone action

Second messenger system is also called

Non steroid hormone action

Direct gene activation diffuses through the plasma membrane to what?

Target cells

The second messenger system binds to what

A membrane receptor

What does the second messenger system not enter

A cell

What is negative feedback maintained by

Hormone levels in the blood

When does the hormone release stop

Once an appropriate level in the blood is reached

What is the thyroid hormone disorder

When your thyroid gland enlarged due to lack of iodine


Caused by hyposecretion of thyroxine

Results in physical and mental sluggishness


Caused by hypothyroidism in adults

Results in physical and mental sluggishness

Graves’ disease

Caused by hypothyroidism

Results in increased metabolism, heat intolerance, rapid heart beat, weight loss, and expothalmuss


Decreases blood calcium levels by causing its deposition on bone

What does growth hormone production decline with?


With progesterone


What do estrogens stimulate the development of

Secondary female characteristics

With progesterone estrogen also promotes what

Breast development

What do ovaries produce





Where is the thymus gland located

Posterior to the sternum

What does the thymus glad produce


What produces two groups of steroid hormones


Why produces estrogen and progesterone


Where is the pineal gland found

On the third ventricle of the brain

What does the pineal gland secrete


What is the pineal body role

Involved in biological rhythms

What is the role of the pancreas with glucagon

It raises blood glucose

What is the pituitary gland

Stimulates contraction of uterus and the mil let-down reflex

What is the role of the anterior lobe

Stimulates growth of bones and metabolism

What is the role of the thyroid gland

Stimulates metabolism

What is the role of the thyroid gland

Reduces blood calcium levels

What is the role of the parathyroid gland

Raises blood calcium level

What is the role of the thymus gland

Programs T lymphocytes

What is the role of the adrenal cortex with glucocorticoids

It Increases blood glucose

What is the role of the adrenal cortex

Increases blood glucose

What is the role of the pancreas with insulin

it Reduces blood glucose

What is the role of the adrenal cortex with mineralocorticosteroids

It promotes reabsorption