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13 Cards in this Set

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diversify st role in st

to start to include more different types or things


generate income

to cause income to exist

commercial revenues

the income that a goverment or company receives regularly

Nguồn thu thương mại

restrictions on something

hạn chế cái gì

security procedures

Thủ tục an ninh

dwell time

how long people are likely to spend looking at an advertisement, buying goods, etc., especially while they are waiting somewhere such as an airport or train station

Thời gian chờ bay

Global economic downturn

Suy giảm kinh tế toàn cầu

The share subsequently declined slightly

Cổ phiếu giảm nhẹ

As strong as ever

Ngày càng lớn

Low-cost carrier

Hàng không giá rẻ

Merchandising space

Không gian buôn bán

Radical solution

Giải pháp toàn diện

an array of many things

tổ hợp nhiều thứ