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6 Cards in this Set

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AO1: Reasons for the breakdown of relationships.

1) Lack of skills: For some people relationships are difficult because they lack the interpersonal skills to make them mutual satisfying. individuals lacking social skills may be poor conversationalists, poor at indicating their interest in other people and are generally unrewarding in their interactions with other people. This causes a relationship to break down even before it begins. DUCK.

2) Lack of stimulation: Based on the social exchange theory where people look for rewards in their relationships, one important one is stimulation. Moreover we could suggest that a reason why relationships break down is because the lack of stimulation and there is evidence for this by Baxter. He found that when the lack of stimulation (i.e boredom or belief that the relationship wasn't going anywhere) was present in a relationship, it was often quoted when they break up. People expect relationships to change and develop and when this does not happen they do see this as a sufficient justification for breaking it off.

3) Maintenance difficulties: When relationships drift apart for example going to university, maintaining the relationship is very hard. The decreased daily contact and the lack of seeing each other will cause the relationship to breakdown.


AO1: A model of breakdown (Rollie and Duck)

Keeping it personal...

1) Breakdown: This is when one of the partners feels distressed with the way the relationship is being conducted. An inequitable relationship can cause dissatisfaction.

2)Intrapsychic process: This is characterised by a negative (brooding) focus towards the relationship. During this period nothing is said to the partner, however, the dissatisfied partner may express their dissatisfaction in other ways. This is also when they social withdrawal themselves and re-evaulte their alternatives.

3)Dyadic process: This is where usually a person confronts their partner and discuss their feelings and the future. At this point the relationship may be saved or the partner may involve others in their dissatisfaction with the relationship.

Going Public...

4) Social process: This is when it goes public and spills over to friends and family. They make take sides, offer advice and support and help mend any disruptions in the relationship. This may speed up the partners towards dissolutions.

5) In leaving a relationship, partner's attempt to justify their actions. They must present themselves as being trustworthy and loyal, key attribute for future relationships. Partners strive to construct a representation of the failed relationship that does not make themselves look bad. In this process people strategically reinterpret their view of the partner.

6) Resurrection: This process is where each partners redefines themselves and prepares themselves for new relationships by building on their past mistakes and experiences.

AO2: A strength for the reasons of relationship breakdown is...

A reason for relationships to break down is because of one or both partners being involved in extramarital affairs. Boekhout et al showed how such affairs may be a direct reaction to the percived lack of skills and/or stimulation from the current relationship. They asked undergraduates to rate various sexual and emotional reasons for why men and women are unfaithful in a committed relationship. Participants judged that the sexual reasons for infidelity (sexual excitement, boredom etc) would be more likely to be used by men, whereas emotional reasons for infidelity (lack of communication, lack of attention etc) is more likely to be used by women.

AO2: A weakness for the reasons of relationship breakdown is...

Long-distance romantic relationships (LDRR) and long distance friendships (LDF) are more common than we think. One study found that over 70% of students sampled have had experienced at least one LDRR and 90% experienced at least one LDF (Rolfing et al) Since we are born into such a mobile society we are do we have to move and sometimes are separated from loved ones and because of this it is useful to know the management strategies.

AO2: A strength for the model of relationship breakdowns is...

The importance of social skills deficits in a relationship breakdown has led to the development of training programs that attempt to enhance the relationship skills in distressed couples. The Couples Coping Enhancement Training (CCET) aims to sensitise couples to issues of equity and communication and problem-solving skills. Cina et al compared 50 couples (average length of 12 years) who received CCET training and a control group who did not. The results showed that the CCET group reported much high martial quality after training compared to the control group.

AO2: A weakness for the model of relationship breakdown is...

There are many ethical issues that arise from carrying out research in such a sensitive area. Issues of vulnerability (participants may experience distress when revisiting issues that led to the breakdown of their relationship), privacy (many of the issues are intensely personal) and confidentiality. For example, a woman in an abusive relationship may fear recrimination frothier abuser should he discover her participation in the research. The researcher faces the devision to either carry on the research and receive valuable information or terminate their involvement with the participant to prevent any further harm toward them.