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36 Cards in this Set

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In what phase of mitosis do chromosomes move centromere-first toward the poles of the cell?


How do prokaryotic cells divide?

Binary fission.

How many chromatids are found in each chromosome during prophase?


Which is the division of a nucleus into two genetically identical nuclei?


When does DNA replication take place?


What moves towards opposite poles during prophase?


What is the function of mitosis in unicellular organisms?

Asexual reproduction.

Which is true about mitosis?

It occurs only in eukaryotic cells. It’s the division of a nucleus into two genetically identical nuclei. The two new nuclei each have the same chromosome number as the original nucleus.

A cell with 46 chromosomes goes through one round of mitosis and cytokinesis. How many chromosomes are inside each of the two resulting nuclei?


Which turns a diploid cell into haploid cells?


Which process produces offspring that are genetically identical to the parents (unless rare mutations occur)?

Asexual reproduction.

What is true about meiosis?

It produces four genetically different nuclei. It’s a nuclear division that occurs in the gonads of sexually producing eukaryotes. It reduces the chromosome number by half to form gametes.

Which is the pairing of homologous chromosomes in meiosis?


How many chromosomes are found in the nucleus of a human somatic tissue cell?


Which is a nucleus with one set of chromosomes?


In which phase of meiosis do sister chromatids stay joined at their centromeres and move as a unit towards the same pole?

Anaphase 1.

In which phase of meiosis does crossing over take place?

Prophase 1.

How many chromosomes are found in the nucleus of a human gamete?


Which is the first cell formed after fertilization?


Which is true about the sex chromosomes in normal human males?

The father’s sperm contained the “Y” chromosome.

In the cross Bb x Bb (B=round, b=wrinkled), what would the expected genotypic ratio be?

1/4 BB, 1/2 Bb, 1/4 bb

In the cross aa x Aa (A= yellow, a= green), what percentage of the offspring will have the Aa genotype?


The chromosomes in the nucleus become visible. Centrioles move towards opposite poles (animal cells only). The spindle fibers begin forming. The nuclear envelope breaks down.


All chromosomes line up half way between the poles.


Sister chromatids separate when the centromeres divide. The chromosomes move centromere-first (V or J shape) toward the poles of the cell.


The chromosomes reach the poles. The spindle fibers disappear. A nuclear envelope forms around the chromosomes at each pole. Chromosomes lose their form and turn into chromatin.


Nuclear division


Chromosomes become duplicated.


This provides a way to reproduce asexually (without combining genetic material from two sources).

Unicellular organisms.

Growth and repair.

Multicellular organisms.

A nucleus with one set of chromosomes.


A nucleus with one set of chromosomes.


A nucleus with two sets of chromosomes.


What turns a diploid cell into haploid cells?


A parent passes on a duplicate of all its’ genes to each offspring. Offspring are genetically identical to the parent (unless rare mutations occur.)

Asexual reproduction.

A process that begins with meiosis and ends at fertilization. It leads to a wide variety of offspring that are all genetically different from their parents.

Sexual reproduction.